I would like to use a slider revolution-made slider as a fullscreen header for posts

edited April 2020 in Theme support
Although I tried to customise a post in a similar way like a web-page when using the threater bre-built site I cannot replace the standard header of a post with a full page slider. I understand that might be a restriction that I cannot identify.
What I was able to cofigure is like in the screenshot https://www.screencast.com/t/fO3pYaEvVB
However what I wish to acheive is like in the screenshot https://www.screencast.com/t/c1bPVAB6twY that is I wish to the post to have the slider presented is in the pages of the webside

Can you please suggest what I need to do?
Kind regards
PS - I am using the licence do-not-post-license-keys-in-a-public-forum in the subdomains of allmystories.net. The theater pre-built site is installed at leb.allmystories.net.


  • Hello,
    If you would like to use the "Image" only, you will be able to use it without the slider, just use the "Intro Header" image

    Intro header is a image on the top of the page, with full-width option and title with description on it, this template based on the Builder, so it will not include the featured image and comments.
    You have to upload the header image for this feature, the feature image will not be inserted there

  • Thanks , I already tested the intro header as an alternative but what I wished to have (which is possible with the slider but not with the intro header picture)  is to place the navigation buttons ("see the video" "see photos of the show", etc) to the various bookmarks I use in my post "on top" of the image. In case of intro header I have to create buttons just below the header image and this is not so nice as in the case I could use the slider.
    Anyway if the restriction could not be overcome with some customization or css that you will propose , I will have to live with using the intro header template with image until you decide to enable the feature.
    Please comment
    Kind regards
  • Then, the only way to achieve that, will be "Builder" template with "Slider plugin" item inside and full width section.
    To enable "Full Width" just edit the section, you will notice it on the bottom of these settings.
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