Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • I think creating stories such as Instagram increases the theme salesınıda different
  • hi i could be great idea add 360º section video and picture, thanks!!
  • A Food Menu addon that synced with Google Sheet would be pretty cool. 
    A way to keep all the categories and Items organized and a few different layout options and can accept a CSV or syn with Google Sheets.

    The table format looks nice but cumbersome to manage with all the code and small text inside the column modules..

  • Making the header builder like the muffin builder where you can size the columns and add CSS classes padding ect... like the regular builder 
  • Support “get response” plug in please
  • edited December 2019
    Would be great if you could fix a JS conflict issue with some plugins (such as the iubenda plugin) that causes the burger menu not to open on not so older phones.
  • Hi Developers,

    I would like the feature to 1) display items bought, 2) total price, 3) view cart and checkout button to display as a dropdown when you hover mouse over the cart icon in the header menu after you add items to cart. Thank you!
  • As discussed in I wish a feature to enable tags/categories separately in theme options. Two checkboxes instead of one as in 21.5. Thank you.

    Let's have an easy way in the theme settings to remove the "Author", "Date", "Categories" and "Tags". It should be easy, and would get the attention of those that want to use the theme for blogging as well. 
  • Curious to know if it is possible to set an accordian tab as an anchor
    for al ink. The best example I can provide to explain what I'm looking
    to achieve is:
    --> Notice how the first 5 footer menu items (from left to right)
    toggle the corresponding accordian tab and also does so while never
    leaving the page. This is exactly what I would like to replicate in
  • Hey! Loving the theme!
    What would be an awesome addition, is a custom hook to the header, lets say if I wanna add a second logo to the right for example, would be cool. :)
  • It would be interesting to add the months at the countdown :-)
  • More blog layout variations for archive pages please - more business looking. Also more blog widget layout variations.

    More business related themes would be good.

    Greatest theme ever!
  • Hi all!

    Set a default rel="nofollow" for all links on our websites would be great!

  • edited April 2020
    can you ask for implementing the "highlighted" (featured-box) option in blocks other than the "price list element" blocks?
  • Rank Math SEO compatibility with Muffin Builder.
    Please can you add this to your road map.

    Thank you.
  • edited April 2020
  • Set the favicon set in the theme options in admin area and media instead of the default one (Wordpress logo).
  • edited April 2020

  • Replace Layer Slider - It is super bad for page speed.
  • Can you add prebuild website for Data science  and Arigicial intelligence 
  • Cookie Consent

    Please integrate a cookie consent where the visitors are able to switch different services on and off.

    For example:
    You can switch on or off the Facebook Pixel, Google Analytics, etc.

    But i still want the option like requierd cookie/services..

    For example:
    Its not possible to switch off Google Fonts...
  • Hello,

    Betheme is Fantastic, including Elementor pre-built layouts will skyrocket Betheme :-bd
  • please see:
    I was asking:

    Hi guys,

    how can I change icon of person in blog post for example to author image?

    for your reference please look at top of example blog post:

  • If I can request a feature request, its that you add in another logo level for the left navigation menu (creative menu option).  As the mobile menu shows up at 1255 pixels wide, so the mobile logo should have the option of showing up then as well, since it technically goes into mobile view.
  • Ability to remove the publishing date from when you navigate to the next page/post/product. 
    There is this nice arrow+featured image but when you hover over the date appears. The date should be removeable, especially in a woocommerce store.
  • Hello,

    I sugest you for next update to add the function for number of view of articles.

    You must edit function.php and single.php file!

    Many thank's and i wait one reponse!
  • Could you please add:
    - Custom CSS to portfolio post
    - Possibility to use decimal numbers and percentages in the counter element of the muffin builder

  • Hi, i have in portfolio 2 categories, 
    1. colours (white, black, white, ....)
    2. type of stones,(granite, quartz, marble ....)
    I have a filter this with 2 combinations, 
    I would like to be able to filter two categories at one time using the "AND" operator.
    Currently, you can filter both categories separately. Is this possible in the template?

    Best regards,
    Rafal G.
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