Color of background color of sidebar (with widgets) on mobile

I used widget Muffin login widget in Woocommerce sidebar, but on mobile background color of the sidebar is white (and in the same input area color is also white). Which option i can use to change the background color of Woocommerce siderbar (and widgets on it) on mobile?

Kind regards


  • The address of the Woocommerce products page with the sidebar is
  • Hello,
    Please paste that CSS code into the Theme Options > Custom CSS & JS > CSS
    .mcb-sidebar::before{background:transparent !important;}
  • I've paste that code to CSS and now it looked:

    #Action_bar{display:block !important;}
    @media (max-width:768px){
        #Action_bar .social{display: none !important;}
    .mcb-sidebar::before{background:transparent !important;}

    but nothing changed - still on mobile background color of the sidebar is white (and in the same input area color (of Muffin login widget)  is also white. On desktop the background color of sidebar is grey and input fields are visible.
    my page with the sidebar is:
  • edited May 2020
    First of all, the sidebar is transparent in both cases, since you did not paste it inside the @ media query.

    If you set the color to transparent, then it is normal that the background will be white, since the background behid it is white.
    Just change the color in the CSS provided above.
    @media (max-width:768px){
    .mcb-sidebar{background:gold !important;}
  • Sorry but I still don't know how to change the sidebar's background color on mobile (on desktop the sidebar's background color is grey). The "transparent" parameter wasn't my idea - it was given by Pablo.
    I understand that i have to put the ".mcb-sidebar::before......" code inside @media query but i don't know what to put after "background:" . I've tried to put "grey !important;}" but it doesn't work.
  • I updated the code Bryan send, it will work fine now.
  • Thank you very much
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