We think that you should update theme to the latest version where we did compatibility with LayerSlider. With latest version you can choose slider the same way as revolution slider in Page options section.
So please remove your custom css related with header styles because as we see on http://snag.gy/BvsgL.jpg you got some of them and this could be the problem.
You got this problem because of your custom css and we are sure about that! For example you gave height for top bar instead of min-height. Css should be as below for header:
Next time we don not recommend to make any custom css changes if you don`t know how to use them. However in new theme version layer slider works properly because was included and is compatible with headers. We tested it and we are sure about it on 100%.
Maybe cache in your browser? Because we checked it already and all works fine (even on mobile version). So please clear your cache or do something else because everything works fine!
Thanks for understanding!