Custom CSS disappear after saving


My entire custom CSS disappear after saving. It represents couple of hours of work.

I have db backup, so where can I find the custom CSS in db?

Thank you in advance.


  • Is it store in wp_options table (in betheme column)? What is the encoding used?

    Thank you in advance.
  • Hello,
    BeTheme does not remove anything by itself, so the problem is surely not the theme fault.
    If it's not visible in the Theme Options > Custom CSS & JS > CSS, then it surely won't be visible in the database.
    Also, we strongly suggest not to touch anything in the database, because you can lose even more, including the website content.

    To prevent this kind of situations, we suggest to check your server envoirment, maybe one of the values (max_input_vars) is not enough.

  • edited September 2020
    No, it was a bug from Betheme or Wordpress (with a network crash maybe). I am a software engineer and I know what I do. I use Betheme since 5 years approximately for small projects.

    Fortunately, I have daily backups. I restored entire db and now it works fine. But for the next time, I prefer restore only the concerned column. Can you reply to my previous questions please?

    Thank you in advance.
  • I assume it was a network crash - it sounds like the most possible thing that could make that issue.
    But, BeTheme use the same functionality as Wordpress do, so the issue is related to the wordpress core methods.

    About the encoding, it's the same as the default wordpress encoding, the theme does not change it.

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