Depreceated notices on website. not sure how to fix

My site was working just fine... I think upgrading something may have messed up something because now in every page it says something like:
About Deprecated: get_currentuserinfo is deprecated since version 4.5.0! Use wp_get_current_user() instead. in /home/jw8fjj4nxymi/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4713

I don't know how to fix this. I am not a PHP wiz. I just know how to use Muffin builder and build my websites with that. 

This is an older website... maybe 5-6 yrs old? I don't want to go in there and have to rebuilt it. 

I can see all the copy on the pages on the back end but it is just not letting me preview or go to the pages. It gives me a 404 error.

I also can't seem to upgrade the muffinBuilder app. Is there a way to do that? Even when I upgrade the theme it shows up as old. Is that the reason this issue is happening?

Please help!


Here is condensed information:

All the links on the page except the home page have issues connecting. (404 error for all)


  • the Depreciated items seem to be things that are on the theme like the class-vc-mapper.php 
    and Layer Slider

    maybe if the builder was updated that would cure this disease?

  • Hi,

    as you can see, deprecated function is not related with the theme but with the WordPress itself. In this case, you have to look for a solution out of the theme.

    According to Muffin Builder, it comes with the theme so you need to update Betheme.
  • I do update BeTheme but the actual muffin builder always shows not updated... is that a fix you can do?
    Do you have any idea where in wordpress I should look for the fixes?
    I thought these map and slider functions came with your theme.
  • Hello,
    Did you update all of the plugins bundled with the theme?
    PHP refuses the informations that methods used in plugins are deprecated (so, they are out of date).
    Please go to the BeTheme > Install Plugins and update all of the plugins.

  • I updated all the plug ins. The one that doesn't allow me to update is the WPBakery one that comes with your theme. It never upgrades!!
  • Hello,
    Is there any error message while updating? If yes, can you send link to the screenshot?

  • Alright. I figured somethings out with the help of a friend but we figured out I need the Key for WPBakery PageBuilder License code and one for Slider Revolution.
    They do not update when you update the theme.

    Can you please send me the codes so I can fix my website?

  • Purchase codes (license keys) are not included for plugins which are bundled into the theme. It’s because of Themeforest license & agreements. This applies to all themes of course. However, there is no need to use this code because the plugins are fully functional without it.
    Something like “Free” version of a plugin does not exist. All bundled plugins are included with extended licenses and users can use these plugins within the theme without needing to purchase them separately. This is standard and according to ThemeForest rules.
    More information about the bundled plugins, you will find here.

    Also, you can install the bundled plugin from betheme>install plugins
    If the newest version is not available yet, please wait for it. The plugins you buy with the theme are not premium plugins. If you want instant updates, you have to purchase the plugins separately.
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