Responsive button
I have a couple of questions where I'd really appreciate some help...
Please see
1. The button for the shop product slider when looking at it on a smartphone is not showing correctly. It's partly cut off. Can you please let me know how to fix this and also make it sit centrally above the product on a mobile only?
2. Is it possible to make the previous and next buttons sit in a circle for the shop and testimonials sliders? It looks a bit odd at the current shape (my client wants rounded edges for all other buttons on the site though, but I don't want it the same for these buttons!)
3. The hamburger menu is floating halfway down the page in responsive on my client's phone (iPhone) but it is fine on mine (Android)... how can I make it stay in the sticky header?
4. How do I add gradients to buttons in layer slider? I can not get it to work like I have with custom CSS on the rest of the site.
5. I want to hide the social icons only on responsive in the action bar, but keep the other info... How do I do this?
I have tried some CSS but it's not working...
Have I written it incorrectly?
Thank you
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