Can't install the theme
Dear Admin,
I get an error while trying to install the theme, with error message "The link you followed has expired."
What seems to be the problem?
Dear Admin,
I get an error while trying to install the theme, with error message "The link you followed has expired."
What seems to be the problem?
Can you tell me when this happens?
Is this when you try to install a pre-built website or the Betheme?
If this happens when you try to install Betheme, please, tell me how you install it? In WordPress or via FTP?
I have my Wordpress installed, no problem.
I then go to Appearance > Themes > Add New > Upload Theme > Choose File > > Install Now, then i get the error.
Please, try to install your Betheme via FTP.
You can check how to do this in the following link.
Ok, finally successfully installed the theme via ftp. Why didn't it work via WordPress upload? Could it be because of the size limit set in the server?
After successfully installed the theme, i wasn't able to install the pre-build website.
There could be a couple of reasons why it did work via WordPress, but like you mentioned, the size limit is most likely to happen.
Errors like this mostly appears when you do not have installed and activated requierd plugins for that pre-built website.
Please, check the following video tutuorial, and be sure that you make every step like there