Is there a limitation for how many content blocks can be displayed on a page?

I have an issue, I have a really long page that has a lot of content blocks (maybe 500 column or more) and the issue that I have is that I can't add more content elements. I can add them but they will not get displayed. Or if I add more elements on top of the page the content blocks that are all the way down will disappear after I hit update on the page.

I had the same number of content elements with WP Berkley before and I was able to display all the content with no issue but with Muffin builder is not able to show them.

they server configuration is this:

  • MySQL Version 5.7.31
  • PHP Version  7.4.13
  • PHP Memory Limit  512 MB
  • PHP Time Limit  3600
  • PHP Max Input Vars  10000
  • WP Max Upload Size 256 MB
  • cURL 
  • DOMDocument 

I can share the URL but I don't know how to not display it publically.

I asked wp engine to increase the Php Max Input Var cuz I think that might be the issue but they said they can't do that.


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