Moving WordPress from Subdirectory to Root - BeTheme styling issues

Hi Guys, 

We're moving our site from a subdirectory to the root folder, having done so we've seen lots of styling issues, settings have been lost even though we've done a find and replace in the database. Are there any settings for BeTheme that need to be updated in order to maintain the same style as the subdirectory installation?



  • Also, is page content encoded inside the 'wp_postmeta' field? if so how do we move the install from /blog to the root folder without breaking all encoded page data?
  • Hi,

    no, there is nothing special what should be done. If you changed all paths properly, then you shouldn't have any problems. But if you lost styles, it means you did something wrong.

    Yes, muffin builder is coded into 'wp_post_meta' field. And all values inside muffin builder while moving can be changed within Mfn CB Migrate Tool.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • We've moved everything accross properly but the theme is losing all settings, we can't even re-import the settings using the exported file content from the development site to the new root site?
  • the exported settings text file from the development site contains paths to the subdirectory, we've replaced them with the new path and copied and pasted the text settings into the new site but nothingchanges when we click 'import', no settings are changed at all
  • I guess all we need to know, is how to export the settings from development site, and reimport them into new site?
  • Any url to page where styles are broken? Because we have completely no idea what you did. We move websites sometimes and everything works.
  • edited May 2015
    We've moved a website from /web to the root folder, we copied the database, did a find and replace on all old urls and replaced with the updated urls, and then created a new database to run the root installation. We then copied all files to root, using the new updated database, and used the muffin migrate tool to update all links, even having done al this, muffin builder lost all the options from the /web subdirectory installation and was completely unstyled using the settings we had already set up in the database in wp_options, entry 'betheme. We tried to export settings from muffin builder on the subdir installation and import them into the root installation via the muffin builder import/export facility but nothing happened, the options file would not import. We therefore had to use phpmyadmin to copy the betheme options in the database from the old site, and paste them into the betheme options on the new sites database directly.... There surely has to be an easier way (and I've seen other people ask the same question on this forum in the past) of moving a site using betheme. I'e had to do it twice and both times its completel messed up 
  • From what you wrote above, everything should be fine. We do it the same and it works of course. So if options can't be exported/imported on your side, it means the problem must be somewhere else.
  • I've moved lots of sites before, but because the way everything is encoded in BeTheme it's proved to be a real nightmare, what should be a simple two click process (export and import), has taken well over a few hours and knowledge of phpmyadmin and MySQL to resolve. 
  • Content must be encoded to be safe. The only way to change paths inside Muffin Builder content is Mfn CB Migrate Tool as we mentioned before.
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