Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • I was missing in the Portfolio the Tags taxonomy, and also a corresponding template for the archive (could be just the same that for the portfolio category items, to simplify).

  • I was missing some of the in the Layouts for Blog Page (i.e. Classic, Timeline...) in the Layout for Portfolio Pages... and vice-versa (portfolio layouts not available for blog: Flat, Masonry Hover Details, Masonry Minimal, Masonry Flat...).

    It would be nice to have more consistency for the display of the these two content types.

  • Hi Guys, I have over 20 licenses with you guys so I have heavy experience with your theme.

    I'm forced to use another theme because your theme lacks one certain element,

    I need background images that's a clickable box with text on top. Your theme doesn't have a good way of doing this.

  • Just to point out that you have a strange translation for the Portfolio Layout "Builder", in German it is displayed as "Versionsnummer", doesn't make much sense. I would leave it just as "Builder"

    My two cents,


  • My suggestions/hopes are:

    1) Add expiration dates (change category) to posts and portfolio items

    2) Close the side slide if you click on a navigation item. This works currently on real links/page reloaded but does work on anchored menu links EXCEPT if you have chosen Overlay menu -style (which is not Side slide but shows that functionality is somewhere in the theme :)

    3) Option to hide Sticky Menu Button (on mobile) on scroll

    4) Tools for accessibility!!!

    5) In Clients, enable also Title to link to external page, not only Feature image (now title links to location on current site). Would be handy if you want Clients only as name lists OR if Client-articles are used for some other list-type actions

  • Woo commerce Editor or Builder capability for Muffin Builder

    Betheme is overall great one but the limit to edit woocomerece single product layout stops us. It'd be good if we get the wooCommerce editor within muffin builder.

  • Hello

    Please Add Table of content to muffin builder or make combability with :

    1-luckywp table of contents

    2-Easy Table of Contents

    3-Elementor Pro Table of content widgets


  • I think it would be a usefull feature, if we could add tags in a portfolio item.

  • I would be great if it was possible to close the drop down menu on mobile and tablet by clicking outside of the menu.

  • Toggle button for display grid / list on products woocommerce. many themes have this feature. There are few plugins available for this and they are not compatible with BeTheme.

  • Image gallery that can work as a slider also

  • Hello,

    I would like to see an option that makes categories visible on all blog-styles (like it already is in the photos 2 style). Without using the drop down option, but rather highlighted in the meta tags or somewhere on the border of the image. So readers at first glance what category it is ...

    Thank you

  • Really need the following features:

    1. Not just a custom header option, but also a custom footer option within "Layouts"
    2. Make the dropdown for custom menu and custom layout available on Posts as well. Not just the pages.
    3. Offer the option for post options that include SEO fields on not just the regular posts but also the custom post types and other post types that appear when you install other plugins.

  • remove "Uncategorized" in breadcrumbs of post (Builder mode)

    Uncategorized not showing in url but shows in breadcrumbs

  • edited April 2021

    In the Muffin Builder using the Blog block and selecting the "Photo 2" style isn't possible to set the columns to 1 (while you can do it in the theme settings for the blog page).

    Can you please add also the "1" option for the columns?


    Discussion reference:

  • I want to Carousel slider in Betheme. I don't know where is Carousel slider. Where is mailchimp, W3 Total Cache and Yoast SEO.

    I want to instagram feed widget in footer. I want more features: client and heading, and instagram feed widget like that for Betheme and plugins.

  • I would like to see a beLawnCare / Landscaping template get done. Thank you.

  • edited April 2021

    I would like to have the choice in the theme options change the weight of the form labels, that now are set by default to 700.

    Or to not set the weight of the labels, the shortcodes css, so can inherit the default font-weight.

    Should be the user choice to set bolder fonts, or lighter ones.


  • help would help so much

    is it possible to include some kind of explanation on the Betheme options ... mostly it would be sufficient to have a small i icon (i for information) besides each entry - with a link that leads me to the respective documentation section (with explanation and meaningful screenshots). To make sure that dependencies and effects are clear, without trial and error. It would save so much time and nerves.

    It would help so much

  • Header Builder

    I would like to create and assign different headers / sticky headers to each pages /posts

  • Side menu via Header Builder and text-transformation option for fonts

  • hi there guys, will be great a different product page layout ... see in attach ... form porto theme guys!

    it will be great!!!!

  • edited May 2021

    I support the Idea. Also add the option to set the number of columns, in the gallery thumbs. Add the option to show the gallery thumbs images in only one row, and slide through them with navigation arrows.

    Will be cool more features for Single product in general

  • Add search box in theme options. It will be so useful.

    Add AJAX save on theme options, or return to the last edited section to avoid unnecessary scrolls.

  • Have some options to edit the search page, in particular in combination with WooCommerce.

    • Display / Hide Author
    • Display / Hide Publish date
    • Display / Hide Except
    • Display / Hide read More
    • Display / Hide featured image
    • Featured image display position (left or right)
    • Read more align (left, center, right)
    • Read more style (button, simple link, classic (as it is now))
    • Read more icon (icon choose, or none)

    In combination to WooCommerce, display filtered product in grid (3 o 4 columns) or list, before (or after, give the option) the other results

  • yes i'm agree!!! ?

  • Animated Counter 2.0 - it would be great if it was possible to set a daily increment in the counter. Now the animation always runs to the same target value.

    For example: if I put the counter "we sold 815 cars" on the website of the car dealership, it looks really weird, when this number is still the same, day after day. Alternatively, I have to rewrite it manually, but it's practically not a sustainable method.

    You would need to add a start date to the current "counter" element - this is always compared to the current date and the difference is multiplied by the "daily increment" value that is assigned to each number in the counter. The daily increment can be easily calculated from the annual (monthly) statistics.

    I have such a script created and I am now replacing the counter that is in the Muffin builder with this "custom" counter. But I think this improvement would be appreciated by all users.

  • edited June 2021

    Will be very cool if you add an option to substitute a color with another in all instances of the theme options.

    This is very useful to change very quickly a pre-built website color setting, like this:

  • Add the possibility to center all wrapper in a section, maybe introducing the using CSS flexbox.

    It is not always possible to do it with the placeholders.

  • The class "themecolor" should be important than the "dark".

    So if it is applied to a section the dark class, and in a column I add the class themecolor to a h2, the resulting color of the h2 should be the theme color not the white applied by the dark class.

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