Remove (same) Post in Footer of Single Post

Hi, I use the Diet theme, there is in the footer of a single post the same post as related(?).

How can I disable it?

Also the paging functionality is gone?

i use the WP editor , not the muffin buiilder in single posts.

Did I break something (I edited the child singlepost.php to use an category header)...



  • Hi,

    Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us the link.

    Do you want to disable the whole related posts section?

    Can you also tell me what paging you are talking about, please?


  • edited March 2021


    oh sorry. maintenance is off.

    the link (still in progress) is e.g. :

    (I can send you mail)

    Under are at the bottom the pager links for next / previous post.

    I want to disable the 'related posts'.

  • 1) To turn off the related posts, please, go to Betheme -> Theme options -> Blog, Portfolio & Shop -> Blog, and in the Related Posts, section put 0 in the Count input.

    2) To open the navigation arrows, go to Betheme -> Theme options -> Blog, Portfolio & Shop -> General, and check if you do not have selected the option to hide the sticky arrows.


  • Thank you, I had this settings. It really has to do with the 'custom' category header. I used the single.php and the header.php from the main betheme folder, but I guess there were then something double??

    How can I achieve the category header image in the post page?

    I call a single/single-cat-categoryname.php (from default single.php) in functions and in the single-categoryname.php I call get_header('categoryname'); and in header_categoryname.php I have a class for the background image...


  • What you ask for requires file customization what in reference to Item Support Policy is not allowed.

    So if you want to modify files and don't know how, you should contact your web developer. Item Policy says:

    Item support does not include services to modify or extend the item beyond the original features, style, and functionality described on the item page. For customization services that will help you tailor the item to your specific requirements, we recommend contacting the author to see if they privately offer paid customization services or checking out the great service providers on Envato Studio.


  • Hi thank. I found my mistake, a third if/els was missing to load the default "BEtheme" single page, not the WP single page. Thank you very much.

    BTW your website is broken, the icons are not showing, and other stuff...

    You can delete this post as it is not really helptful to others...

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