WPBakery Page Builder Fotobox open in lightbox

Hi, the latest version BeTheme 23.0.4 and WPBakery Page Builder 6.6.0 the lightbox of the photobox

is displayed incorrectly. 2 light boxes are displayed one on top of the other.

In WPBakery Page Builder version 6.5.0 everything is correct. see screenshot. behind the light box

there is another one. both have to be closed to get back to the site. Will this be repaired with the next update. Or is there a way to change that.

Thank you very much, Alex


  • Hi,

    Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us the link.

    Moreover, please, go to Betheme -> Theme options -> Addons & Plugins -> Addons, and check the Disable option for lightbox. After that check, if two lightboxes still appear at the same time.


  • Hi,

    here is the url: https://dev.neiro-property.de/test-seite/

    the site is under development

    when I deactivate the light box option. the light box is no longer displayed, only the picture. No external plug-in is used for the light box.


    I was able to isolate the problem. It only occurs in combination with a photo box and a post-grid element

    with post-grid:

    result wrong:

    Without post-grid element:

    result correct:

  • I have passed this to the dev team.

    We will take a closer look at it, and I will let you know.

    Best regards

  • After further WPBackery updates, the problem persists. Is there already a solution?

  • It was fixed with one of the version (24.0.3), did you update your theme?


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