404 messages coming up on my 'purchase' page and on a woocommerce membership menu.

Hi there,

I've had two 404 messages on my membership menu and on on my 'purchase' page.

The problem seems to be solved when we update the pages.

This has never happened before, now I am getting messages from people trying to use the site that pages are getting these error messages.

Do you know of anything we can do to prevent these error messages?

I have WP Rocket disconnected right now. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it.

I'm not sure why these certain pages are getting error messages and not the entire site.

Any help you have would be appreciated. Thank you!



  • Hi,

    Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us the link.

    It is always a good idea to also attach a screenshot showing your issue.


  • Hi My apologies,


    We're always online.

  • That is a screen shot of what we see when things go bad. We fix by going to updates on Wordpress.

  • On which pages does this error appear?

    Can you send me direct links to them, please?

    If it is on a member area, please, also attach login credentials.


  • This page is actually down right now. https://schoodles.com/ordering/

    I'm going to work on it try to get it going again. No 404 message this time, just no content.

  • edited August 2021



    I'm going to try to update right now to see if that fixes it.

    But this is what we've been having trouble with. I've checked with Woocommerce and they can't locate the problem. I thought it was just in the member area, but now we're having problems with our purchase page.

  • Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact, and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.


  • Hi there,

    I'm wondering if the upgrade on Betheme could have caused these problems.

    Is there a way I can check the date that I upgraded the theme on my site? I've looked and I can't find a place to do that.

    Then, if the time correlates to when I started having trouble, is there a way to revert back to the older version?

    I was going to reset the entire site, but too much time has passed it seems to get the backup I need.


  • Sorry, but we didn't get any message from you yet.

    Please check your mail inbox for our response. Look also inside the spam folder.

    If you don't have any message from us, please send your login credentials again.

    Be sure that you sent all of the required information mentioned in the previous message.

    • link to this forum discussion
    • link to your website
    • login credentials

    Betheme by itself rather did not cause this issue because I did not notice anyone else having something similar. But there could be some unsupported plugin incompatibility.

    When I will receive your dashboard access I will check it out.

    But I think that the only way to check the update date is in your server logs because Betheme does not store these pieces of information.


  • I wasn't given proper instructions to send the login initially

    It's there now.

    Please check as soon as you can. I am trying to prevent having to reset the entire site.

    Thank you so much.

  • The credentials you have sent me redirect me to the Member Area, and I cannot check your WP panel, theme options, etc.

    Are you sure that you have sent me the correct login credentials?


  • edited August 2021

    Can you just please use this then remove it? And I''ll change the admin log in. I can't see the contact form right now and I have no time to look.

  • password all lower case.

    I'm sorry this has been so hard to use this time.

  • Did you change anything?

    I checked all the pages you said were not working, and now they work fine, but they were not on the first time, and error 404 appeared then.

    If this issue appears again, please, turn off all of the plugins except the ones from the list on this page, in the sidebar:


    After that check, if this issue persists.


  • Can you explain further?

    Were the pages not working when you first looked at them today? Then they worked on their own? I didn't do anything this morning to the site. Why would they not work then work?

    This is very worrisome because it happened last Wednesady and again Friday and two other times before that?

    Did you look at them on the front end or the back end? Where did you see the error? How did you make them work again?

    If I turn off all of the plugins listed, when should I turn them back on? Should I turn them on at all?

    Is there a way I can check when they were added? Does deactivating remove all possibility of errors or should I remove them from the site altogether?

    Can you tell me when I last updated Be Theme? Or, if this info is on my server log, what would this log be named?

    I think I should go ahead and turn off all of the plugins except the ones you listed now, what do you think?

    Thank you for helping with this.

  • If I shut down all the the plugins but those listed in the side bar, my site will lose all of it's functionality for my business.

    I need more direction if possible?


  • If the pages were working when you looked at them initially, then I will wait to see if it happens again, but I need more information about the plugins.



  • Can you explain further?

    Where the pages not working when you first looked at them today?

    Could the problem have something to do with my server and max input vars value? Is this something I should check?

  • The pages showed a 404 error the first time I visited them, so when you have sent me login credentials to your member area. But today, when I rechecked it, these pages were working properly, and I did not make anything. So that is why I asked if you changed something on your website.

    This issue could be caused because of some server error. You can contact your hosting provider and ask them to look at logs from the days when those pages were unavailable.

    Also, unfortunately, I cannot tell you the name of the log that contains the update and installation dates because I do not handle server configuration. Still, I think your hosting provider should be able to help you with that.

    When this issue appears again, please, turn off all of the plugins except the listed ones. If this will help, turn them on one by one to check which one is the source of this problem. When you find it, you will have to consider removing or replacing it.


  • OK, that's helpful. Can I ask when you looked and found the error? Which day?

  • It was on August 6th.


  • Thank you! That's the same date I saw it too. We updated each page when we saw it.

  • So is it working as it should at the moment?

    Is there anything else I could help you with?


  • Yes it is, thank you.

    I had a developer go into it last night and I think he found the issue.

    Thank you so much for trying to help.

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