Issues with newest version of Muffin Builder

I recently updated to the newest Muffin Builder and BeTheme and I am having the following issues:

  1. Moving a divider up or down does not work - nothing happens
  2. Trying to drag and drop a divider doesn't work either - it's extremely slow and then when I finally get it to where I need it to go with small incremental pushes up the screen it doesn't drop where it's suppose to [maybe add a "move to top" or "move to bottom" feature?]
  3. I imported a page layout, which I've done hundreds of times before. Now since the new update some of the sections no longer work correctly. For example, a section is suppose to have a gray background the full width of the screen - now it's just showing up behind the content area. AND the gray is showing up behind 2 other divider sections - how is that even possible? [screen shot provided]
  4. When I tried using the live editor, not all the divider sections on that page show up.


  • Update: When I remove the section with the product info which includes an Image box, a column box of text and an accordian - the background in a completely different section shows up fill width. When I put it back it doesn't show it full with anymore.

  • Hey,

    Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.


  • Email sent. Thank you for your help.

  • Here are some additional screenshots and pages you can test to see what the problem is.

    Good page: Modular Cleanrooms (used this page to export layout to other page)

    Bad page: Ceiling Systems

    Test page: Ceiling (once I removed the product sections (2) the Modular Cleanrooms section displayed correctly.

  • 1,2) I have tested the divider both with Live and regular builder, and it is working properly.

    Are there any steps to reproduce this issue? Maybe one of your browser extensions is the root cause. You can check if the issue persists on other browsers or in incognito mode.

    3) I also checked this page source and noticed that there are many HTML errors. You can see examples on the following screenshots:

    Would you please open your website in Firefox HTML mode (CTRL+U) and check the HTML errors you got? Please fix them first, and the problems with incorrect display should be gone.

    4) Can you tell me where these dividers are supposed to be, please?


  • 1/2)Divider suddenly started working all of a sudden so I guess that's not an issue anymore.

    However, the page is still displaying incorrectly. Go to The section titled "This is the title" should be gray full screen width - not just a box. It should look like with the section titled Modular Cleanrooms. If I remove the two products [Bottom Load Flush Ceiling System & Top Load Flush Ceiling System] the bottom section displays correctly. (See previous screenshots:

    I have also tested these pages on Brave, Chrome, Firefox and Edge on multiple computers without any browser extensions with the same exact issues. In addition, on the .../ceiling-systems/ page the tab Benefits & Features text is not clickable (only the plus is clickable) but in the second product listing both the plus and text are clickable.

    3) I have corrected the red errors in the html with no correction in the page display.

    4) When on the /ceiling-systems/ page live edit the sections after the second Product: Top Load..... section do not show up:

    The remaining sections: Options, You May Also be Interested In, and This is the Title do not show up in live edit mode.

  • This section background:

    Should look like this - full screen width:

    [Ignore the content]

  • 1,2) I copied the page with issues to a new page which I named MuffinTest. I found that the source of this problem is the content you put in the accordions. After I removed it, the display corrects.

    3) I can still see HTML errors on your website.

    Can you take a second look at it, please?

    4) To see what is the source of this problem we will need your FTP access. Please, send it through a contact form like previously.

    Remember to attach a link to this forum discussion.


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