Rankmath Breadcrumb
in SEO
I disabled the default breadcrumbs of theme and used the rank math php code in theme file.
In intro header I put the code in includes/header-single-intro.php
No I want to have that it in Subheader
Please just tell me witch file responsible for that?
Please, check the functions/theme-functions.php file.
Thank you for supporting.
Sure it is ?
I want to show rankmath breadcrumbs in subheader but I did not find the correct path in functions/theme-functions.php file.
Would you please tell me which line should I put it?
Sorry, but I do not handle the theme files customization, and I cannot tell you where you should put your code in.
I can only tell you that the code responsible for Breadcrumbs is placed in the theme-functions.php, and you need to figure out on your own what needs to be changed.
Best regards
Fair enough ?