sticky wrap with customization


I want to have this page with some customization

1-I need to have years in sticky wrap to scroll down on click

2-In each part I have to column and want to be look like this demo : Event7/tickets/

Would you please tell me how can I achieve that?



  • Hi,

    1) Can you tell me what years you are talking about? Cannot you put it in the column item?

    2) The view on this Event7 page was created with wraps, and it might be hard to have this display and sticky wrap as well. At your place, I would recreate it in the column item with some inline CSS.


  • Let me share with you the site link and you will see what is it.

    I send you in 2 link of our community in your email.

    The years show the time of champion and league. if you see those pages , you will find out what are that.


  • Sorry, but I still do not understand.

    You already have a sticky wrap with links to particular elements on a page (I am not sure if they are years or not because I am familiar only with a Latin alphabet ?).

    Can you describe it in more detail, please?


  • Yes they are the years? but not in Wrap , they are in sticky sidebar , now I want to have similar to ticket demo page I menthid.

    is it possible?

    If yes , how?

  • If you create a layout as I suggested in the screenshot in my previous message, you can add anchor links to particular columns.


  • Would you please export the code and send it to me?

  • Sorry but I already deleted this page.

    You should contact your web developer, and he will surely be able to help you.


  • Fine, Just tell me how you write the code in content section?

    And your wrap contain how many items?

    That image is not clear to me , If I crate account for you , could you please crate it for me?

    This is the result of my understanding: the first one in sticky wrap , and the second and thread are the contents

    Is that true ?

  • Sorry, but I do not understand that:

    Fine, Just tell me how you write the code in content section?

    I just typed all CSS by hand in the column item.

    The wraps should contain as many blocks as you want to show because sticky wrap works only in a section where it is placed.

    So yes, what you designed and what you are showing on the screenshot is correct. The rest of the columns should be placed in a second and third wrap.


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