Image radius - Image frame slide bottom style


I use a small radius for product image, but when I use the slide bottom style (image frame), the bottom radius dissappears. Is there a way (css code for example) to fix this?




  • Hi,

    Can you tell me where you set this border-radius, please?

    Moreover, please, disable the Autoptimize plugin because I need to check your website with it disabled.


  • Hi!

    Ok, autoptimize disabled. The radius is set as CSS code:

    img.scale-with-grid, #Content img {

      max-width: 100%;

      height: auto;

      border-radius: 15px;

    I only have this problem when using "slide bottom" style. I used to have the "modern overlay" and it was fine. I feel like the image is cut a little bit at the bottom when using the "sldie bottom" style.

    Thank you in advance.


  • You can use the following CSS code:

    .products .image_wrapper{
       border-radius: 15px;

    However, we are releasing an update where you will be able to set it in the Shop Products element options.

    The update should be available today.

    Best regards

  • Perfect Thank you Phil!

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