Desktop menu toggled
I would like to compress the menu in desktop format as it is also in mobile (toggled or hamburger icon)
I have tried to make my own menu with Header Builder 2.0 but I am not able to do it either, nor to add login, wishlist and cart icons. Is not very intuitive to add menu and icons..
The website is:
Thank you in advance,
If you want to use the header styles from the theme options, you can choose the Simple or Empty style in Betheme -> Theme options -> Header & Subheader -> Header.
But I would like also to include live search and login, wishlist and cart buttons.
In addition I would prefer to see the toggle button in the left side, to the left of the logo.
Hi again,
we would like the menu as appears now in our website (desktop mode), but with toggled button or the toggled button that we have in mobile version, the responsive menu button. How could we change that?
// responsive menu button
$mb_class = '';
if (mfn_opts_get('header-menu-mobile-sticky')) {
$mb_class .= ' is-sticky';
echo '<a class="responsive-menu-toggle '. esc_attr($mb_class) .'" href="#" aria-label="Mobile menu">';
if ( $menu_text = trim( mfn_opts_get('header-menu-text') ) ) {
echo '<span>'. wp_kses( $menu_text, mfn_allowed_html() ) .'</span>';
} else {
echo '<i class="icon-menu-fine" aria-hidden="true"></i>';
echo '</a>';
echo '</div>';
Finally, we would prefer to see search live in the middle and user, wishlist and cart buttons in the right side. How could do it?
You can use Header Builder 2.0.
In the following video tutorial you can check a general overview of this tool:
If will have any questions, feel free to ask.
we tried but we couldn't change the menu to toggled menu. Could you tell us the code to change the menu view to toggled menu (hamburger)?
In case to use header builder 2.0, how to change CSS for live search?
It is a Menu burger element.
When you add the Search Field element, you can use the Style tab to adjust its display.
Best regards
I have less buttons. I do not have logo or menu burger:
solved ;) I SEE NOW
Ok, now I have the desktop menu as we want, but how could we maintain sticky menu and mobile menu with user, search and wishlist included in hamburger menu?
You need to enable the Sticky and Mobile headers in the Header Options and select them in the top bar.
ok thanks again.
Could could we maintain the action bar that we had predefined in betheme?
Unfortunately not. You will have to recreate the Action bar in the Header Builder.
Best regards
ok, and how could I insert a shortcode?
Otherwise, I would like to hide the page title that I remark or better remove because there are two H1 (in subtitle and here) in the same page (please see freshet capture 054).
and also I would like to change text when products are on sale, how could I do it?
1) To insert a shortcode, please, use the Column Text element.
2) Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check that.
Please attach a link to this forum discussion.