Classic Builder Not Accessible

I just updated to the newest version of Betheme and am no longer able to see the Classic Builder. The pages show a message as seen in the screenshot below, but when I follow these directions, there is no option under Global, Advanced, to select "BeBuilder Blocks." Website


  • As a follow-up, here is what my Advanced Section looks like. I do not have BeCustom:

  • This option is at the top of the settings.

    You do not have it?

    Best regards

  • Thank you! That fixed it. I was looking in the wrong spot.

  • I think it was a heavy fail the this option has been disabled, only because the has been updated. In addition, the hint in the empty meta box points to another place in the theme options, where nothing about blocks can be found. ?

  • @trilos,

    The option to disable BeBuilder Blocks was added in favor of requests from our customers, and it is by default disabled because we do not have plans to add any new features to it, and BeBuilder (live version) is our main goal now.

    Also, the link to activate it back redirect directly to the option for that, so I do not know what you are referring to.

    Best regards

  • Thank you for this information. It is easier to understand the reason. The ugly consequences are the changing of basic functionality for editors who are used to an interface, which can only by reverted by admins - if they know what´s this all about. It´s like slowing down runners by pulling their legs.

    I did not mention the link under the hint, only the hint itstelf.

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