Set featured images for blog posts
How can I automatically set the header image as the featured image?
Now I have to change the header and featured image in two different places, which is not necessary and confusing.
Header = Featured image
How can I automatically set the header image as the featured image?
Now I have to change the header and featured image in two different places, which is not necessary and confusing.
Header = Featured image
The Header image is necessary only for the Intro Header style, and it has to work this way.
However, if you are not using the Intro Header style, you do not have to set it up, and the Featured image will appear at the top of the post.
Best regards
This is a very inconvenient way to add the featured image. Why not add the feature image to the page settings? Now I have to open the WP editor., or create a setting that if you add a header image it overwrites the feature image? Is this possible in the theme settings?
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