videos not playing


Is there a reason that the video's I have embedded on my website play for everyone else but me?

I have tried various browsers and they aren't available, but others who use my site can see them.

This is what it looks like in Firefox and Chrome. And Safari doesn't show anything but a play bar for a not existent video.

These videos are embedded on our site and protected in a media file library. My business partner and our developer can see them just fine as can our customers. I seem to be the only one who can't, which makes it very difficult to monitor the site.

The videos on in a 'members only' area. Any thoughts or ideas? I'm stumped. I've called Apple etc.


  • Hey,

    Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

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    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • Can you tell me where exactly I should look at to find these videos?

    I could not find it.

    Best regards

  • Hi, Yes,

    If you look at the videos in the media library, there are 10 or 11 together as you scroll down, and in the 'Legibility Program' in the drop downs in each chapter. The videos look fine to others, but I can't see them on my computer on the front end or the back end. I have asked Apple, I'm on a Mac. I have tried different browsers, and I have googled for answers.

    I have asked my developers. I don't know why they would be playing for others and not me. They were playing when I loaded them and I could see them then for a few days, then they disappeared.

    Thank you so much,


  • Sorry, but where can I find this 'Legibility Program' page?

    Best regards

  • Hi,

    When you go into the site, it's on the top of the second page in 'pages' on the menu? You might be able to see the videos on this page, but I can't see them on any browser front or back end. They are in each drop down next to each character on the page.

    When you go to the media library, this is what I see for my videos.

    I hope that helps? I sent info to get into the back end of the site. Do I need to upgrade something so I can see the videos? Again, the strange thing is that I saw them working when I loaded them, and many others can see them on all computers and browsers? I maintain the website, so I need to be able to see that they are there and working. :/

  • It might be a problem with the server configuration.

    Please, check the link below and contact your server administrator:

    Best regards

  • Thank you I'll check that out! Thank you for taking the time.

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