Lokal Fonts

Since in Europe there are more and more warnings due to the use of externally embedded Google Fonts, it would be a great feature to automate the local management of the fonts. Currently, beTheme only supports manual management, which, by the way, is not perfect and also very cumbersome.

It would be great if, after finalising the setup under Custom Fonts, you had a button with which all the fonts used in the website could be installed locally and linked accordingly. This would help many "simple" users to use the fonts in a DSGVO-compliant manner without technical knowledge.


  • Hello,

    There already is an option for that.

    You can find it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Performance.

    Best regards

  • That is not what I wrote as a suggestion.

    What happens exactly when the option is selected?

    Cache does not mean that the fonts are available locally, but that they will be reloaded at some point.

    It's about a simple solution that complies with the GDPR.

  • When you choose this option and click the Download files button, the fonts you use in the Fonts tab will be downloaded to your server, and they will no longer be taken from the google servers.

    Best regards

  • on which path they will be stored?

  • and why its hidden at "performance" and not a entry at fonts in the Options named "lokal fonts" ;)

  • i ve checked this option with google font checkers and geht the reuslt that furthermore external loading happens

  • They are stored in /wp-content/uploads/betheme/fonts/.

    I would not say that they are hidden. They are as easily accessible as any other theme option, and they also have an impact on the website's performance. ?

    If you still see google fonts loading from google servers, ensure that the plugins you use do not load them. For example, it could be the Slider Revolution, where you should also use fonts stored locally.

    Best regards

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