Testimonials Order and image size
Is there a way.. perhaps tinkering with the PHP to change how testimonials are assembled and how large the testimonial author's picture is.
I would like to increase the size of the image as well as re-order how the testimonial is assembled.
This is how the testimonial is assembled now.
This is how I want to assemble it. (ignore the text alginment)
You can choose how you want to order the testimonials in this element options.
Then can be ordered by Date, Menu order, Title, and you can choose if it should Ascending or Descending.
But the maximal image size you can use for testimonials is 85x85px, and there is no option to change that because it is hardcoded in the theme.
Best regards
I understand it is hard coded in theme. Perhaps you can tell me where? I assume inside the PHP. I could hardcode some other values ;).
By order I do not mean the order in which the testimonials appear but the order in which the elements appear within the testimonial element. I would like to have the title and the company of the author under the image NOT under the quote.
Please, check the file theme-shortcodes.php in functions folder.
I just wanna say, I don't understand why the image size is hardcoded into the theme. This seems like such an easy option to offer. I think 85px is ridiculously small. We should have the ability to adjust the size manually like with any other image on the site.
If you would like to see this option in future updates, please let us know on the following topic: