Adding description to Photo slider on top of photo instead of below


I have created a slide show using the slides option in BeTheme. My client would like a short description for each photo but there is not room for both the photo and the description to be visible in the vertical space allotted. My photos are quite large. I am wondering if it's possible to move the description up so that it shows up in the lower right hand corner on top of the photo instead of below the photos.

I have tried messing with the CSS code for this, and I can move the text up, but it crops the bottom of the photo off and moves the navigation dots up as well.

Is this an option or something that can be done with the CSS? I know there are other photo options that allow the text to be on top of the photo, but I can't figure out how to make it work with the slides.

I also know I could do this using Revolution slider, but I'd rather just use the slides if possible.

Thanks so much.


  • Thank you! I have watched these videos and tried to create a slider using the instructions as in the loop builder video. I added a wrap, chose the query loop, chose Posts and then Slides. Then I chose my category (Photo Gallery). I have 22 slides and they all have images. Not all of them have descriptions yet, but a few do. The photo that is currently being displayed is part of the Photo Gallery slides and it does have a description.

    In the video it looks like Albert added an image and then gave it the dynamic content name of {featured_image}. I did the same thing, but my slides are not populating. It's just populating one photo.

    Then I added a heading and gave it the dynamic content name of {excerpt}. I also tried {slide_content} but that didn't work either. It is showing text, but not the description that goes with any of the slides.

    I'm sure I've just missed a step somewhere, but not having done this before, I can't figure out how to fix it.

    Here is a link to my page: The photo gallery is located at the bottom of the home page. If you need my login credentials, I'll be happy to send them.

  • Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


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  • Sorry, but the login credentials you sent are not working.

    Are you sure that you sent the correct ones?

    Can you send them again, please?


  • Sorry but unfortunately, the new credentials did not work either.

    Can you check them, please?


  • The new ones finally worked.

    1) One image appeared because you set the query loop to contain only one column. However, the slide changed if you clicked and dragged the image to the left or right. I have changed the number of columns to 3.

    2) Dynamic data you should use for slide description is {postmeta:mfn-post-desc}.

    Best regards

  • Great! Thank you. Sorry about the difficulty getting the login credentials to work.

    This is working great now. The only problem I am still having is that every time I make a change anywhere on the home page, it unsets the Photo Gallery Category. So each time I make a change, I have to go back to the photo gallery slider and re-set the category. That won't be a problem once the site is complete and we are no longer making changes, but for right now, it's a hassle.

    Thank you so much for your help!! I LOVE this theme!

  • One more quick there a way to set a delay before the auto slide show starts? I can't find that option anywhere in the settings. By the time folks get to the bottom of the page to view the photo gallery slide show, it's already on the 3rd or 4th slide. I'd like for it to auto start when the focus is on it.

  • 1) I tried replicating that, but the category was assigned to Photo Gallery. Can you tell me what changes you performed when it happened, please?

    2) There is no option to delay the slider, unfortunately. If you would like to see this feature in future updates, please let us know on the following topic:

    And thank you for your kind words ?

  • Hi.

    1) The edits that I did that caused the category to default back to "All" were:

    a. I added the title that says "Photo Gallery"

    b. I added the "Our Location" section.

    c. I changed the CSS to move the navigation dots up a bit closer to the bottom of the slides.

    d. I edited the text on one of the photos.

    e. I moved the text from below the slider to centered on the bottom of the photo.

    f. I added some line breaks to the text for the longer descriptions.

    After each of those edits, I had to reset the category to Photo Gallery because it had reverted to "All".

    2) I will definitely go to the suggestions page and make that suggestion. It's frustrating that users can't see the slides in the proper order because of the lack of delay on the start.

    Thanks so much for your help with this.

  • I tried all steps you described, but the Category stayed in Photo Gallery.

    Can you check if the same thing happens on another browser?

    Best regards

  • It seems to be working correctly now in all browsers. I don't know what was wrong with it before, but it all seems to be resolved.

    Thanks so much for the great support!

  • Glad I could help.

    Please let me know if this problem occurs again, and I will recheck if you notice any particular settings that could cause it.

    Best regards

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