Plug-in updates fail

Hi there,

I am having an issue with Betheme updating plug-ins via the Betheme / Plugins page.

For example, it is currently showing that v 6.6.12 of Slider Revolution is installed, with a blue button prompt to 'Update'. Once clicking, the button changes to the update circle, and then shows a grey active 'Active'.

However, the update is not installed and returning to the plugin page again shows the same v 6.6.12 and blue update button.

The site's PHP version and the limits appear to be well set:

  • PHP Version 8.0.28
  • PHP Memory Limit 256 MB
  • PHP Time Limit 180
  • PHP Max Input Vars 5000

I appreciate your help on this.




  • Hey,

    Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please make sure that the data you are sending are complete and correct.


  • I have checked your website, but the button stays inactive.

    I can see that you have a caching plugin active. Please check if the button is still highlighted when you clear your cache. You can also clear your browser cache (CTRL + F5).

    Best regards

  • Hi there,

    Thanks for your feedback. Unfortunately, that did not change the behaviour.

    I purged the entire cache via LiteSpeed - Toolbox - Empty Entire Cache, returned to Betheme - Plugins and Slider Revolution still shows as "Update". Clicking on the button, waiting 10 minutes, clearing the cache and then returning to the plugin page still shows the plugins as "Update". Note that the same applies to Layer Slider and WP Bakery plugins as well.


  • Please also contact your server administrator, and ask if you do not have any caching tools enabled on your server.

    There is a possibility that the server cache holds it, and does not allow to update.

    Best regards

  • Hi there,

    Thanks for your feedback. As it turns out, I am the server administrator.

    As I mentioned, the site uses the LiteSpeed Caching plug-in. I have disabled the cache to try it again, but the behaviour is the same - the plugins do not update.

    Further, this site is not the only site using Betheme and LiteSpeed on the same cPanel server. However, this is the only site with the issue of updating the plugins via Betheme.


  • We are not able to diagnose it at the moment. TGMPA shows the correct currently installed version. You can check that here:

    However, the update process, which is on the WordPress side, confuses versions, and for example, even SR has an update available, it thinks that this plugin is up to date.

    At the moment, I suggest removing and installing this plugin again to have the newest version.

    Best regards

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