Function id was called incorrectly error

Hi there,

Not sure what's going on, when creating a new order and choosing local pickup, I get this error from the theme:

I'm guessing this has to do with the plugin Flagship woocommerce that i'm using?



  • website:

  • Hi,

    You can disable this plugin to see if the problem is gone without it.

    If it persists, it would be best if you contact the plugin author regarding this problem.

    Best regards

  • Hi Phil,

    Yes it is with the plugin, but flagship said it was an issue with the theme with the flagship plugin? Does that make sense?

  • If this can help people, i've figure out the issue and informed the dev for this plugin.

    In file flagship-for-woocommerce.php you need to change like 54 and 55 from

    $trackingNumber = reset(get_post_meta($order->id, 'flagship_shipping_shipment_tracking_number'));

    $courierName = reset(get_post_meta($order->id, 'flagship_shipping_courier_name'));


    $trackingNumber = reset(get_post_meta($order->get_id(), 'flagship_shipping_shipment_tracking_number'));

    $courierName = reset(get_post_meta($order->get_id(), 'flagship_shipping_courier_name'));

  • It is a third-party plugin that we do not support, so that is great that you found the root cause.

    Also, thank you for sharing the solution, it would be undoubtedly helpful for others.

    Best regards

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