Choose pages to not posts to display
Hi there,
I am recreating my page that I did with Elementor using BeBuilder and I can't work out how to display pages rather than post.
I did a video explaining here:
Kindly let me know. Thanks!
If you want to choose specific pages or posts, you can use dynamic data. Please see the following video tutorial:
If posts to display share the same category, you can also use the loop builder:
Best regards
Thank you for your answer. I have a follow up question. How do I create clickable displays for different pages on my site. Here's a video showing what I mean:
Let me know, thanks!
1) Regarding the Trailer Box element, I passed this issue to the dev team, and we will take a look at this.
2) Did you check the playlist from my previous message? If not, please do that, there, you can find an explanation of how to use dynamic data with our elements.
See the following example:
If something is unclear or you need a further explanation about a particular topic, please let me know.
Best regards