Title and breadcrumbs on product page and shop page.

How can we omit the product page title (shop) and the breadcrumbs on both the shop page and product pages. It is showing in the header and does not look well.



  • Hi,

    Go to Betheme -> Theme options -> Header & Subheader -> Subheader, and select an option to hide the subheader.

    After that, you will probably want to adjust the header height, and you can do it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Header & Subheader -> Header.

    Best regards

  • Thank you for the detail. I am not having issues with the menu of this shop page. I set up and anchor menu on the home page. But not sure how to connect the menu on the sub page for shop. Please advise. It is not connecting now

  • If you want to use an anchor link that leads to another page then you need to use the whole URL, so it should look like this: https://yourwebsite.com/page/#anchorID.

    Best regards

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