whatsup button


how do I add a whatsup button to my website, one of those that click on it opens up the whatsup in the prospecive cliente mobile phone? I would like to have it in the footer.

Checked the pre-installed plugins in my betheme, but can't find it there.

Checked the plugins section of my wordpress, and I don't know how to add a new plugin there. It's currently empty.

I bought the betheme license a few days ago to recycle an old website I had, and all the plugins I had in that website have disappeared.

thanks a lot.



  • Hello,

    1) You must add the WhatsApp icon and assign a link to redirect the WhatsApp message to it. The link should look like this: https://api.whatsapp.com/message/YOURID?autoload=1

    2) Which plugins did you have installed and active? Did you perform other actions than theme installation?

    Best regards

  • Thank you Phil.

    1) Ok, understood. I'll try that. But I should have an specific plugin for the link to open up the client's whatsup, right?

    2) No, Phil. In another question I made to you, I briefly explained my story. I don't know anything whatsoever about wordpress/betheme and computers are not my cup of tea, to be honest. But I don't have the finances to hire someone to do it for me. So, what I've been doing is learning through trial and error, your help and gpt how to recycle my old website into a new one with my new services. I'm quite glad with the result, I must say.

    So I would really appreciate if you gave me some instructions about those actions that I should perform, other than installing betheme, so that the website runs smoothly, I have the basic plugins I should, and so on. When I click on default betheme's plugins, it says that those plugins are already installed.

    I promise I have read all the basic docs you provide and watch most of your video tutorials, which are great btw. But there are things that I still don't understand how to do.

    For instance, in another post I asked you guys about removing underlining in testimonials. I add some CSS as was suggested in another thread. But it's not working, I'm afraid.

    Also, I wonder how to change my current urls in some of my pages, since they still come up as there were in my old website.

    I really appreciate any help, suggestion, tip you could share with me. My name is david, teacher/training/mentor, writing from the north of spain.

    Thank you so very much, Phil!

  • 1) No, the link should be enough.

    2) I replied to you on the topic regarding testimonials, but I did not get any response from you.

    Also, sorry, but I do not get your question in that matter, nor what these screenshots are for. The plugins bundled in the Betheme package can be installed through Betheme -> Plugins, and if you want to install a plugin that is not listed there, you must do it through the Plugins tab in the WP panel. See the following link:


    Page titles and their slugs can be changed with a quick edit.

    Best regards

  • Hi,

    Thanks a lot.

    Re whatsup: I'll try to do what you suggest.

    The screenshots were to show you:

    a) the current wordking of my urls. I'll do what you suggest above. I understand that 'slug' is the actual url as it will show in the browser.

    b) the pics of my desktop were to show you how my plugins sections look like right now, kind of asking you to recommend me what other plugins to install, if any. My website won't be a shop or anything too complicated... it's basically what you can see right now online. Perhaps adding a contact form? how to do that?

    Thank your for your patience and attention.


  • And, please check the our testimonials thread, because it's still not working. Sorry.

  • You should install the plugins you need.

    You can add the Contact Form 7 if you want a contact form on your website.

    Note that plugins are unnecessary, and you can have a website without a single plugin.

    Best regards

  • Thank you.

    I understand that there are some plugins installed in my betheme by default, right?

    Could you please provide me with a list of basic plugins or a resource with a list of that kind? As you can see, my website is very simple and don't require fancy plugins.

    Thanks again.


  • Hello,

    Thanks a lot.

    Did the thing on the slungs and worked. Had to double check all links and code that I've already created, but nevermind.

    Also, the last CSS you sent was able to remove underlining in testimonials.

    Re testimonials, I was wondering if there is a way to make them appear in mobiles in a paragraph-like layout, instead of column-like. They are not very long, and just above them, there is text that looks ok to me and it's about the same size. I know how to hide them in different devices, but would like to keep them visible in mobiles too.

    Finally, I'm afraid I can't manage to add the right link to my whatsup icon at my footer. I added the one you suggested but didn't work. https://api.whatsapp.com/message/YOURID?autoload=1

    Tried to change manually "yourid" to my number, but didn't work either.

    Found in the whatsup FAQ the following suggestion:

    Use https://wa.me/<number> where the <number> is a full phone number in international format. Omit any zeroes, brackets, or dashes when adding the phone number in international format.


    Use: https://wa.me/1XXXXXXXXXX

    But didn't work.

    Dunno what to do. My international number is +34666942990... can you suggest what and how to write in the link to my icon exactly, so that the client clicks on that and opens up in their their whatsup a message to my number?

    Thank you, phil. Really do.

  • 1) I think you misunderstood me. No plugin is required. It all depends on your needs. If you do not miss any functionalities or more complicated fancy designs on your website, then the plugin tab can be completely empty.

    2) Try to reduce the margin/padding values in the Style tab of the Testimonials element.

    Check other subtabs except the one I showed on the screenshot.

    3) Did you try doing it like this?:

    Best regards

  • Hello Phil,

    My whatsap icon is not a section in any page, it is in the footer.

    Nonetheless, I've tried get that link with my phone nomber that you suggest in your screenshot, but it is still not working, neither in my laptop, nor in a mobile phone.

    2) regarding testimonials, change padding to 0, but still the look the same in mobiles phones.

    3) new problem... I've getting the definite slider for the home page, with pictures of myself. There are the size that is suggested for portraits, I believe, 900x1200px. But they are cut off, above and below, as you can see. Tried to change width, size, etc. here and there, but didn't manage to amend that. Needless to say, the original pictures are not cut off. Any suggestion?

    Thanks a lot.

  • Re pics being cut off... I've just realised that when I upload the pics into my media library, those pictures are uploaded and cut off. But the original pics are fully sized. Why is that? What to do? It happens with both standard and compressed pictures.

  • 1) Can you attach a screenshot from where you placed this link, please?

    2) Sorry, but I quite do not understand. The screenshot you sent shows a desktop view.

    3) Simple sliders have pre-defined image size, and if images have different size, then they are cut to appropriate ratio

    To use images with original sizes, I suggest using the Query Loops.


    Best regards

  • Hello Phil,

    Please see the screenshots regarding whatsup button and its link. It's in a footer.

  • Regarding testimonials, I've tried to reduce to 0px padding and margins in mobile view. But still they appear like in a column layout in mobile phones. I cannot send you screenshots since I'm writing from my laptop. But maybe you could check it out in a mobile phone.

    I manage to solve the pics size problems. The result is not ideal but will do the job.

    Thanks a lot.

  • My web is almost finished, so I would like to really thank you for your help. Now, I sell three different training servicios, and each of them has a page in tmy web. In each of those three pages, there are two icons that take you to each of the other two services. Did I explain myself well?

    The thing is that when you do that, click to go from X service page to Y service page, the url that comes up is not complete in laptop view. And in a mobile it comes up with a warning sign (I cannot show it to you a screenshot of the phone, but you can check it).

    I was wondering why is that, since when you move to those three pages from the menu, the url are complete and there is no sign of any kind in mobile view.

    Really appreciate your help.


  • Would be great if you can record the video of what you mean as I didn't noticed anything wrong at all.

  • Hello,

    Yes, I'll record a video or send more pics, but about which of the three issues you are requiring it?:

    a) testimonials: in mobiles phones, they look like a column and I would like to use the full width of the screen, as it is the case with the same testimonials in a laptop screen. It was suggested to change padding/margins to 0px, but didn't work.

    b) the whatsup buttton in my footer, which does not open the app, although I put my number into the link as suggested above.

    c) some of the urls of some of my pages appear with a body crossed (laptop) or warning sign (mobile). I don't know why and would like those urls to look ok/safe, as most of my pages in my web are.

    Thank you.


  • a) You mean to remove these paddings from testimonials on mobile?

    b) This is how your link to whatsup looks like. It's wrong.

    c) We need video for this one or screenshots showing what you mean as we don't know.

  • edited October 2023

    Hi. Thank you for clariying. Let's go issue by issue in different posts.

    Re testimonials on mobiles:

    Yes, removing that padding would be great. I simply want the lines to be longer in lenght, using the full width possible. I must be that in your mobile screen lines are longer that in mine.

    Tried to put all the padding in 0px, but didn't change much.

    What else can I do?


  • Re whatsup button:

    Don't know where that double https// comes from. This is the link I have in my whatsupbutton in the footer:

    That's my real number btw. 34 for spain, plus my number.

    It's takes you to here from a lapton and from mobile:

    I've already tried to remove the https// from the link above, leaving just "wa.me etc". Didn't work either.

  • Confusing urls:

    Let me just point out that i sell 3 services: teaching ("docencia"), training (formación) and mentoring (mentoria). Each of those services has a distinct page in my web.

    In the home page, you can see the 3 services, click on any them and go to each specific page. Same thing from the menu. There is no problem whatsover with the urls those links takes you to as they look ok and standard. For instance,

    Now, the problem comes when you try to move from an specific service page to another service page. There is block design to do that, moving from one service to another. For instance, in the "teaching service" page, you can see what follow, that should take you to the other 2 services' pages.

    If you click on any of those icons, they each take to the right page respectively, but the urls that then appear are not standard looking. From a laptop, there is a body crossedM and from a mobile, there is warning sign. As a result, those pages seem untrustworthy.

    what puzzles me is that the urls are completely ok if you get to those 3 pages via menu or via home page, but not from the other pages in the web.

    Hope I manage to describe better the problem today and you can suggest a solution for it.

    Really thankful for your help.


  • a) To remove bg wrapper margin, you have to use custom css:

    .testimonials_slider.single-photo .testimonials_slider_ul li .bq_wrapper {
     margin: 0;

    b) Maybe the block where you actually add phone adds this by default. Or, it might be one of your 3rd party plugins. You have to make some tests.

    c) Are you talking about SSL certificate on URL bar?

  • edited October 2023


    Regarding B above:

    what can I do? what should I test, and how? I have no 3rd party plugins. None. Only those that come with bethene by default.

    Let's assume that I have no whatsup icon in my footer, and therefore no link into it. Let's say I would like to add a functioning whatsup button in my footer. Because I want my client to click on its o that their phone opens their app with a blank message to my number.

    What would you suggest to do (from scratch)?

    My phone number is 666942990. My international code is +34 or 0034, for Spain.

  • b) regarding wrapper margin in testominials on phone view.

    Thank you very much. I added the CSS. I gain a little bit of width so the lines are now like one or two words longer. Is there another way to gain a little bit more or that's the best I can get?

  • c) Regarding confusing urls.

    Yes, I'm talking about the SSL certificate in url bar. Despite the fact that it takes you to the same page in my web, depending on where you're coming from, the SSL certificate in url bar reads differently. Please review the example I describe in detail in my post above.

    Thank you!

  • In such case, I strongly encourage you to build footer from scratch with built-in footer builder. Just watch the tutorial below to see how great this tool is and how easy to use.

    c) SSL has nothing to with the theme. You have to contact your web developer/admin as this has to be set on server side. But, if you worked on non ssl version first and enabled ssl later, then some links in builder might refer to http you previously set. In such case, you have to change paths in builder with this tool https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/12/muffin-content-builder-migrate-tool-3-0-change-builder-paths-for-images-etc-while-site-migration

  • Hello,

    Thank you very much, truly.

    Don't know if you did something from your end, but I've just tested my whatsup button and it's working! Both in laptop and mobile. Haven't changed anything whatsoever since my last post... magic? Whatever!

    I get you point about funny SSL in my website. I'll contact my hosting and see what can be done. The tool you suggested I'm sure it's great, but well beyond what I'm capable of understanding and doing with computers.

    Last, can you tell me if there is a way to gain some more space for my testimonials on mobiles other than the one you've already suggested and I already implemented, as I asked in my previous post?

    appreciate it.


  • You can use an additional custom css but in our opinion it won't look nice as it's now.

    .testimonials_slider .testimonials_slider_ul li .bq_wrapper {
     padding: 0;
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