Revolution slider displays in header on mobile only


I have created a site that uses a Revolution Slider at the top of the home page. On Desktop, Laptop and Tablet, it displays correctly below the logo and the menu in the header. However, on mobile, the slider sticks to the top of the page underneath the logo and the header so that the content of the slider is partially hidden by the logo. When I try to edit it in BeBuilder it displays correctly, but on the actual device it does not. Can you help?

I have included screen shots from the display as it appears in BeBuilder and from my mobile phone.

My site is and the slider is on the home page.

Thanks for any help you can provide.


  • Hi,

    Please edit your header template, go to the header options, and change the Body offset for header to Yes in the Mobile header area.

    Best regards

  • Thank you for your quick response. However, I am unable to find the screen that you show in your solution. Can you please back up a few steps and help me figure out how to get to that screen? I have clicked on everything that I can think of and nothing looks like this. I have tried on both my desktop and my mobile phone.

  • Never mind. I finally found the template options. I made the change and now it looks great!!! Thanks so much!

  • I am happy that I could help.

    If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

    Best regards

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