Change the appearance of the categories page with template with external plugin shortcode

edited December 2023 in WooCommerce

I want to change the appearance of each category on my site and I'm trying to insert a shortcode of an external plugin, but it does not show the number of the selected quantity of a product. Is there a way to do this? Otherwise, when the Shop element is added from the theme itself, it works, but from an external plugin the numbers are not displayed. Here is the link to the problem:

Working page with external plugin on original page. I want this to happen in the above mentioned problem as well :


  • Hi,

    If you want to customize each category, you can use our templates.

    See the following video tutorial:

    Best regards

  • Yes, but I want to add a quick search engine only in the category I'm in and your theme doesn't offer that. I want to build something that is convenient for the customer and gives them the following options: quick search for a product in the same category, a dropdown menu with all subcategories.

    And have it all work as one without having to reload the page - just like this thing in my link here:

    I have currently found a solution by redirecting the category page to another created by me using the code:

    function custom_category_template_redirect() {

      if ( is_product_category() ) {

        $category = get_queried_object();

        if ( $category->term_id == 263 ) {

          $redirect_page_id = 140; 

          wp_redirect( get_permalink( $redirect_page_id ) );





    add_action( 'template_redirect', 'custom_category_template_redirect' )

    but I don't think it's a good idea to do that.

    Please if there is an option or to add a quick search engine in a given category please tell me how to do it or you can include these tasks in a future updates of your theme.

  • We do not have such an option built into our theme, and unfortunately, I cannot recommend any workaround for that.

    If you would like to see this feature in future updates, please let us know on the following topic:

    Best regards

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