Massive Theme Issues, Betheme Support unhelpful over the last month

A site we're building with betheme has massive issues with its functionality and this has been ongoing for months, with betheme being made aware of it in November and having a correspondence via email with us that suddenly ended when you guys decided it was fixed and stopped responding. It was not.

Here are the current list of problems:

1) Responsiveness settings broken

Sections will be set to specific responsive layers, e.g. Tablet and Mobile. Editing the page will cause these sections to randomly reenable on layers they are not set to. You don't even have to edit the culprit section itself, editing a section at the bottom of the page will cause a section at the top that is supposed to be set to tablet and mobile to reenable on laptop and desktop. This bug is random and doesn't always happen, and we have yet to find a way to specifically replicate it, but editing any page becomes a mine-field of wondering if you have inadvertently reenabled sections and having to chase these down.

2) Images on the home page randomly forget what size they are supposed to be. There are a set of images that are set to be a specific size. Randomly I will load up the home page and these images are not the proper size. To fix this problem I just open up the page in the betheme editor and press update, the images return to the size they are set.

3) We changed the font-weights for headers in the betheme general theme options, this resulted in all of the options in the betheme general theme options being set to default. We lost all of the settings including the CSS and JS. This bug resulted in us having to restore a back up.

Is there any possible way you could help us with these? Your last response to this was to link us the responsiveness tutorial which was very unhelpful as these are bugs in your software.


  • The site is, your team has been wordpress credentials for this in the past but I can resend them.

  • Yes, please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check that.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

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  • 1) I have copied your home page to a new page BeSupport test page and responsive settings work correctly, and nothing is hidden/unhidden unless I change that.

    2) I was not able to notice/replicate this issue either.

    3) I have changed the font weight for a test, and none of the settings you described were lost.

    Are you able to record a video showing your issues, please? Maybe I am missing some crucial steps that would help us determine what is wrong.

    Best regards

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