Can't create Grid for courses with LearnDash LMS

edited January 2024 in Updates & Changelog


I'm using the LearnDash plugin to create and sell courses. I was previously using the Astra theme/template and everything was working fine. I have migrated my new course site using BeTheme and now displaying courses in a grid doesn't work?

I am using this shortcode: [ld_course_list col="4" progress_bar="true"]

I have attached two images:

Grid.jpg shows the shortcode using the WP block editor and the grid works!

No Grid.jpg shows the shortcode using the BeTheme Builder and the grid DOES NOT work.

There is something about BeTheme that is not allowing the grid to be displayed. Would like to know how this can be fixed so it works. I would rather not use WP blocks if I can help it. Thank you.



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