Template & SVG

If we use a SVG as Placehoder for Images the Page Template crash.

Its corrupt or delete after a few time


  • Hi,

    Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact, and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • The point has been corrected by us in the meantime, since the page template will have to be used.

    It is very easy to reproduce: Simply build a page template and use an SVG file as the image.

    Save, use the template for a page and then go back to the template, which is then broken

  • I have just tried to replicate this on my end but everything works fine. Please send us message through above form i mentioned yesterday and I will send you video showing that all is fine here so you can see if I do the same steps as you do.

  • We checked the cosbtalation again and its seems that a specific svg crash the beTheme Template. We have checked the same file with elementor and other builders no problems.

    Attached the svg please rename the suffix to .svg

  • This image doesn't have width and height set inside the file and that's why it is not visible when you put it as an Image. In such case, or you have to modify file and apply custom height and width inside you you need to go to Style tab and set size for that image.

  • Thats also the reason why the template is crashed?

  • Template looks like on the screenshot above so it is not crashed. Just image doesn't display because there is no size defined. If it's different on your side, then I have to ask for private message i have asked for already above as on our end everything works fine.

  • Nope if we store and close it and open it again the template is completly crashed

  • Like said, this doesn't happen on our end what I already proved by providing you the video. If you want us to check what's wrong on your side, then we need access I have asked for above.

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