menu (desktop - mobile) on custom header

Hi people,

how are you?

Need help, I build a cool header but he's not responsive, I don't see "hamburger" option or horizontal option of same menu, how to make menu for that same heaer.

Alsoon menu builder don't see same options for same elments.



  • Hi,

    Please see the following video tutorial:

    You will find out how to adjust the mobile display for the header made with Header Builder there.

    Best regards

  • Thank you, that s great tutorial!

    Please, I need one more thing, well on front page there is a menu that I like to have same on every page, but I can't find that template, template is Tea3, and can I get same template header for all pages

  • also, where can I manage that same menu, I like to remove "buy now"

  • Sorry, but I quite do not understand. Can you explain in more detail what you want to achieve, please?

    Best regards

  • ok,

    on front page is menu that I have nowhere like template taht I can modify (layout). Please check the picture.


  • Please attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.


  • Ok,

    I'm not smart how to explain but I think it's a spimple if you are familiar with you work. Site is under construction mode, it must be so I send you screenshot

    Template is :

    It's very simple question : where I can find this menu from this template

    Thank you!

  • This pre-built website does not use header templates. It has one of the pre-defined header styles from Theme options.

    If you create a header template with Header Builder and assign conditions to display on the entire website, the header template will overwrite the one from theme options.

    Best regards

  • Jesus

    you don't read.... I need your's from template.

    do you even understand what I'm asking for?

  • The Tea3 pre-built website does not use the Header Builder, so it does not have any header template. It takes its layout from the theme options, so I completely do not know what you refer to. All settings for the header (desktop and mobile) can be found in the theme options.

    If something is unclear, or you still struggle with that, please explain what you want to achieve in every detail.


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