Trouble Integrating BeBuilder with WP-Locator Plugin for Single Store Page Design.

Hello, I'm using the Betheme, and I've encountered an issue. I've installed the WP-Locator plugin, but when I try to add a new store, the BeBuilder is not showing up. As a result, I'm unable to design my single location pages. Could you please guide me on how to enable the builder for designing the single store pages?


  • Hi,

    You must add this custom post type in the child theme to be able to use BeBuilder in it.

    For that, you must use this filter:

    // add in child theme functions.php
    function my_post_types($post_types){
    	$post_types[] = 'my-custom-post-type';
    	return $post_types;

    Best regards

  • Thanks,

    Yes, it works! The "Edit with BeBuilder" option is now available. However, when I try to edit with it, the live builder doesn't allow me to add elements to the page.

  • Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

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