I need help

In last topic I asked about

"after updating the theme in the shop page the product quantities and filters disappeared!


Your answer:

Please edit the shop template and check if the filters are active there.

I checked but there is no filters.



  • Hey,

    Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact, and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • You have filters disabled in the shop template:

    Please activate the ones you need.

    Best regards

  • Thx too much!

  • edited February 26


    1- Tell me please how to change logo size for mobile?

    2-Is it possible to make sticky header for mobile?

  • edited February 27

    Tell me please how to change the product title and price font size in wishlist page there are huge?

    And tag "Wishlist" how to change to H3 or H4 like on other pages titles?

  • How to change font size and color of product title and price on product preview ?

  • 1) Please go to Betheme -> Theme options -> Responsive -> General, upload, and use the logo with a smaller resolution.

    2) In Betheme -> Theme options -> Responsive -> Header, and enable the sticky option.

    3) Please use the following CSS code for the product title and price:

    .wishlist .wishlist-row h3{
     font-size: 25px;
     line-height: 1.2em;
    .wishlist .wishlist-row .price{
     font-size: 20px;
     line-height: 1.2em;

    Please put it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.

    4) The wishlist title is placed in the Subheader, and you can change its tag in Betheme -> Theme options -> Header & Subheader -> Subheader.


    .mfn-popup-quickview .mfn-popup-content-text-wrapper .heading,
    .mfn-popup-quickview .mfn-popup-content-text-wrapper .price{
     color: #000!important;

    Best regards

  • Thx 1-3

    4) Title tag for wishlist in the Subheader doesn't work, I changed to H4

    5) Please add option to code to change price font size too

    I added font size there but only title has changed

    .mfn-popup-quickview .mfn-popup-content-text-wrapper .heading,

    .mfn-popup-quickview .mfn-popup-content-text-wrapper .price{

     font-size: 20px;

     color: #bb5644!important;


  • 4) It works and changes the title tag:

    If you want to change the font size and color, there are separate settings for that.

    Color can be changed in Betheme -> Theme options -> Colors -> Header:

    Font size can be changed in Betheme -> Theme options -> Fonts -> Size & Style.

    5) You should add important to the font size  font-size: 20px!important;.

    Also, the price already has 20px, so you might not see the difference until you use some other value.

    Best regards

  • Dear Phil thx too much!

  • Dear Phil,

    Tell me please if I am deleting logo the Betheme logo is appearing there.

    If I want to make it without logo what I must to do?

    And how to change favicon?

    And tell me please how to change text size and color for both desktop and mobile if I am choosing text logo?

  • Dear Phil how to enable or disable each of these buttons from mobile products?

  • 1) If you want to remove the logo completely, please use the following CSS code:

    #Top_bar .logo{
     display: none;

    2) Favicon can be changed in Betheme -> Theme options -> Global -> General.

    It must have an ICO extension. For generating favicons, I suggest using the following website: https://realfavicongenerator.net/.

    If you will have problems with uploading ICO files to the media library, please install the following plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/disable-real-mime-check/.

    3) There is no setting to enable/disable particular icons. You can only disable them completely in Betheme -> Theme options -> Global -> Image frame.

    Best regards

  • Dear Phil

    And tell me please how to change text size and color for both desktop and mobile if I am choosing text logo?

  • If you check these two options:

    It will take its font size and color from the H1 tag.

    Best regards

  • Hello dear Phil,

    Is it possible to show these section (with 2 tabs Description and Additional information) in product page?

  • In the product template, please use the Product tabs element.

    Best regards

  • Is it possible edit tabs and add or delete them?

  • This would require using an external plugin.

    We cannot recommend any other plugins than the ones we support:


    Best regards

  • Ok, thanks too much!

  • Hello dear Phil

    Tell me please how to make equal this 2 blocks in product page for mobile and desktop versions.

  • We will correct that in the upcoming update. For now, please use the following CSS code:

    .content_wrapper .column_product_content .section_wrapper {
      padding-left: 0;
      padding-right: 0;

    Put it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.

    Best regards

  • I think this block needs go to left to be equal to text blocks.

    After upcoming update do I need delete that CSS code?

    And tell me please from where edit Share section's social icons (delete or add)?

  • 1) To this element, you assigned left and right margins.

    Edit the product template element, open the mobile view, and set these margins to zero.

    2) Share box can be activated/disabled in Betheme -> Theme options -> Global -> Navigation & Share.

    3) Yes, after the update, you can remove the CSS code I have sent you.

    Best regards

  • 2) Isn't it possible to edit social icons?

    May be we are represented on other social platforms.

    For example instagram.

  • This is a share box.

    Not all services have a share option, and the most popular ones are available.

    If you want to add social icons with links to your socials, you can use the Icon Box element.

    Best regards

  • edited March 22

  • edited March 23

    Dear Phil

    there is a bug on mobile during scrolling

  • Are there any steps to reproduce this problem?

    I could not achieve that.

    Best regards

  • On safari its normal but on chrome its jumps top.

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