Basic Image carousel or slider

How can I make a simple image slider for 2 images? One that does not have a high amount of side spacing of some kind. See image.

All I want to do is get rid of all this empty space and have the image(s) fill the space, but nothing I am trying is working.

I found it I needed to add images elsewhere, and with categories, I guess, but that isn't what we're used to, like a simple carousel. I suspect it's in here somewhere but I haven't found it.

Maybe I need some other plugin?

Thank you


  • Sorry, Also that runs without navigation. Just animated like a carousel.

    This big, like the one pictured here

  • Oops - one more request. And to have them not slide, but fade instead.

    Maybe this is a better question. Can we use other plugins with BeTheme builder at all?


  • Hi,

    1, 2) You can use Query Loop for that. See the following video tutorials:

    3) There is no option to change the animation between slides.

    Best regards

  • It seems maybe I didn't describe my need clearly or I don't follow.

    I tried Query loops already but while I'm sure they are very powerful, I don't see how to add images to them. I only see how to add images FROM POSTS or images FROM other taxonomies like shown, none of which seem to fit my need.

    I just want to assign individual pictures, not pictures placed anywhere else other than in the media library. Like a traditional image slider where you pick the images deliberately for every instance.

    I found a plugin called MetaSlider, but maybe it's not that good. It does not show up in BeBuilder at all as expected, since it claims to be "compatible" will all builders like elementor and more. Of course that's not your issue, but maybe they are fibbing some because it does work, but with their shortcode only. It does not show anything in the element list. But maybe that's what they mean in their foggy-marketing way. its probably similar to Layerslider or Revolution slider but those are so complex that I can't even begin to invest the time needed to learn something that different, especially to get something so basic out of it.

    Anyway - unless I am doing something bad with this Metaslider, I am ok now.

    Thank you

  • We have never tested this plugin with our theme, so I cannot tell you anything about it.

    Anyway, we do not have option to use slider that is not based on a post type. Even simple slider has to be done as on the following video tutorial:

    When you create slides this way, you can also use them in a query loop.

    Best regards

  • Right - yep - that's how I started but there is crazy margin or padding or something on both sides, and no fade, so it is not working for me.

    That's ok. This plugin I mentioned is working good for me.

    Thank you.

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