header tampalet to make menu


is it possible to make a different menu ( in template building ) section?

coz I tried to make the menu for each page I added conditions and I chose singular but in another tab I could not find the ( for instance "Home" or other pages ).

how can I assigen specefic manu to specefic page



  • Hey,

    you can do this under Page Options when you edit page.

  • Hi

    I think you get my point. I want to design different styles of menus for each page, especially for pages that are in my main menu,

    according to the 3rd image in the attachment, I could not find for example "home" page in the pages to chose.

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  • I understand what you want to do. That's why I gave you right solution above. As there is no page on the list in conditions, you have to assign such specific menu for individual page under Page Options. This is the only way to achieve what you ask for.

  • you are right


    I need 2 help :

    1. how can I remove the bottom part of the header in the mobile section as I mentioned in an attached image file?
    2. how can I make the background of my menu blur with out effect on my menu text and logo?
  • 1) It can be disabled in Betheme -> Theme options -> Shop -> General by hiding the Sticky shop menu:

    2) Edit the header template, open section settings, and under Advanced -> Background open Backdrop filter and set the blur value:

    Best regards

  • Hi

    Thanks for your fast reply.

    for 2nd one. I do not have this in the background part, there is something in the background overlay, and that one does not give me this effect.


  • Do you have the newest version of Betheme installed?

    Backdrop filters were introduced in version 27.3.

    Best regards

  • Hi

    I have updated version 27.3.9 but there is no blur. as you see in the attached jpg file.

  • Can you please attach a screenshot from the whole builder showing what you are changing?


  • Hi

    I make a template for my main menu. I have a section and I have a wrap ( that is smaller than the section ) inside it. I made wrap BG transparent. now I want to make it blur as well, that whatever is behind the wrap will show blur.

  • Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at https://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact and we will check what might be the reason.


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  • Hi

    My site is offline I can send you whenever be online.


  • Sure, so then I am waiting for when it will be online.

    Best regards

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