Can't upload .ico-file
Hi, when trying to define a favicon for in theme options, I get an error message from wordpress saying that I am not allowed to upload .ico-files. As a workaround, I set the favicon via wordpress customizer. However, this works on desktop computers but not on some mobile pages. Any ideas?
See the following article regarding this:
Best regards
Hello Phil, I did follow the instructions, but the plugin you recommend is not tested with the newest versions of Wordpress.
Please install it anyway, as it still works correctly and allows you to upload this type of file.
Best regards
Thank you; Phil! I could upload the .ico file and define the favicon in Betheme Options. Unfortunately, it is now only correct in the Desktop- but not in the Mobile-version. Browser-Cache and Hoster-Cache are cleared.
I have checked it on my iPhone 12, and it displays correctly.
Did you handle this in the meantime?
Best regards
Actually, the favicon shows on the home page without me doing anything, but the Be-Logo still shows on the mobile contact page. I have no idea how this is possible.
I have rechecked that with both Chrome and Safari, and the correct favicon appears for me.
Did you try clearing your mobile browser cache?
Best regards
Yes, I did so. However, if this little problem only occurs on my iPhone and not out there in the World Wide Web, I don't care about it and close this ticket. Thank you!
Alright. If you have any other questions or problems, feel free to ask.
Best regards