BeBuilder stuck on loading page content

Hi team,

My BeBuilder is stuck. Are you able to help me fix it?

I will send you the wordpress dashboard and ftp access through the contact form.

All green on the below system status:

  • API server connection
  • PHP Version 8.1.28
  • PHP Memory Limit 256 MB
  • PHP Time Limit 90
  • Current time limit is OK, however 180 is recommended.
  • PHP Max Input Vars 5000
  • cURL
  • DOMDocument
  • ZipArchive
  • Uploads folder writable
  • .htaccess File Access


  • Above is what I get when I tried to install a prebuilt website.

    Above is the message I get when tried to publish a page.

    Above is what I get when I tried to access BeBuilder.

    I have sent you the access details through the form. Thanks!

  • Caught the problem, it was the DNS settings blocking it. Thank you for the time and attention - please close the ticket and please disregard the email that I sent to Muffin support.

  • Hi,

    I am happy that you found the root cause.

    Please let me know if we can help with anything else.

    Best regards

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