

When we clicked the widget, we got the following error message:

The "widget_mfn_woo_attributes" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.

The "woocommerce_price_filter" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.

Please help check it.




  • Hi,

    You probably have old widgets on your website.

    Remove widgets mentioned in the message and place new ones, or install the classic widgets plugin.


    Best regards

  • Hello,

    No, we have block widgets. We can send the private login info, and you can enter to see it.



  • Did you remove the widgets and re-enter them as I suggested?

    If yes, please send us the WordPress dashboard privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at https://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • Yes. We just sent you the wordpress dashboard privately through the contact form.



  • You can see we create side bar, but, it doesn't show up. Something wrong with it.

  • 1) I have removed these widgets as I suggested to you before, placed them again, and warnings are not displayed anymore.

    2) You had filters hidden in the Shop products element. I changed it to show:

    Best regards

  • Thank you very much. BTW, how can switch filter to sidebar? We put the left side bar in the product page, and still show filter instead.

    Thanks again


  • Open the template settings and change the sidebar position.

    Best regards

  • Thank you very much. We enabled it, and it works. But, there is other two issues.

    1. When we use mobile version, and side bar went down under the products list, and we want to let side bar above the products list.
    2. The title - Products in the product page is not in the center of the page.

    How can we adjust it?



    1. To display sidebar above the content on mobile, please check the following article in FAQ https://support.muffingroup.com/how-to/how-to-display-sidebar-above-the-content-on-mobile/
    2. If you want to customize SHOP page, I recommend to use TEMPLATES. The following tutorial https://youtu.be/1asYjRr1--E explains how to customize single product page with templates but it works same way for any other template type.
    1. We put that js script in, the side bar is gone, and it doesn't work. Please help check it.
    2. We have used the product template from your guys.



  • I mean the side bar is gone in the mobile responsive version.

  • 1) Please use the following CSS code:

    @media only screen and (max-width:767px){
       z-index: 2!important;

    Please put it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.

    2) So open the template, edit this element, and set the product title to center.

    Best regards

  • Hello,

    1) it works when mobile in the vertical position, but, it doesn't work when mobile in the horizontal position. Please help check it again.

    2) It is in center now, and it still doesn't work. To be honest, I don't think this way will work, cuz, the side bar is not in the same wrap with the body section in the product page. The way you mentioned is only to adjust the title to center of the body section. The side bar is outside of body section.



  • 1) Please change this value:

    to 960px.

    2) Right now, I am not sure what you need to center. Can you attach a screenshot pointing to that, please?


  • Hello,

    Please see the following:

    1) Side bar works, but, there is another issue. Please see the following image:

    The side bar go up to the top, and we have to put a space above the side bar in order to move this side bar down. Please see the following screen shot:

    But, there is a new issue in the mobile version, and there are a big space, and please see the following:

    2) Please see the following, and the title - products in the center of product section, and not in the center of the whole product body page.



  • 1) It is happening because the sidebar starts at the same place where content starts and your content starts here:

    As you have an absolute header, it is covered by it.

    What I suggest is to edit your template and instead of setting your sidebar in the template options, put it in the content with the Sidebar element.

    2) They are moved to the side because of the sidebar. If you use sidebar element you will have higher control over that, and you will be able to adjust the position.

    Best regards

  • Hello

    That is what we are thinking, and we did, but, found it works in google chrome, but, it messed up in firefox & edge. Could you please help check it?



  • I checked your website with Firefox, and it displays like this.

    Can you tell me what exactly is wrong, please?


  • It works, seems like, thanks.

  • Hello,

    How to enable other two sections, like additional information, reviews? We didn't see the first line - Description Additional Information Reviews in this template.



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