Why can't I see the updates I make instantly?

Hi. Why can't I see the updates I make instantly? They come after refreshing the page many times, but sometimes they don't. For example, I change the text color in the header and save it, or I change the logo and save it. Why does this happen to you, while in other themes I only need to refresh the page once? If this problem is not solved I will have to return it. Can you help me please


  • Hi,

    It is a caching problem. If you have any caching plugins installed in your WordPress, deactivate them until you finish working on your website.

    Also, ensure that you do not have any caching tools enabled on your server.

    Best regards

  • No. Speed Cache plugin is deactive. But still, when I go to the page after updating the logo, it shows the new logo for a second and then returns to the old logo

  • OK, this problem is solved. My current problem is that when I change the background color of the sections with BeBuilder from the advanced section, it appears in build mode, but it does not appear in live. It also works live when I add color only to the deprecated part. Can you help with this? @Phil

  • Please erase all settings from the deprecated section and set them again with the Advacned options.


  • How can I erase all settings?

  • Open them and clear them.

    Best regards

  • No. It doesn't work... It still only works when I change the deprecated settings. This doesn't work when I make changes from your Advanced section

  • I meant that you should clear the deprecated settings by removing all paddings, colors, etc. and set other settings to Default, and then you will be able to adjust Advanced settings.

    If you want you can use Deprecated settings but without clearing them the Advanced ones will not work.

    Best regards

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