Changes cannot be saved.


I started a new project and chose the pre-built website "wedding car". Unfortunately, no changes can be saved here. I had already deactivated all plugins and was using the latest theme.

I would also like to know where can I change the input image with the Triumph car?

Thanks for the help


  • Hi,

    1) Did you check if you do not have any caching tools enabled on your server?

    If you are unsure about that, I suggest contacting your hosting provider.

    2) Can you show me a screenshot of what "Triumph car" you refer to, please?


  • Hi,

    I have already created over 50 pre-built themes and also with this provider. That shouldn't be the problem and I've never had a problem with a pre-built theme. Could I send you access so that you can take a look at the site?

    Thank you for your effort and time.

    Best regards

  • Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • I have done a test on your website, and changes saves correctly

    Are there any steps to reproduce this issue?

    Best regards

  • Hi,

    Saving the content still doesn't work for me.

    I wrote to the provider once.

    Regarding your point 2

    2) Can you show me a screenshot of what "Triumph car" you refer to, please?

    I meant the first photo, see screen


  • Do you mean this photo?

    If yes, it is set as a wrap background.

    Best regards

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