Reinstalling the official Betheme over obsolete Betheme

Hi! We found that Betheme was installed on our site without purchase code, a long time ago by another IT guy (who worked for our company a few years ago). Now we buy Betheme and we have the license certificate & purchase code, and we want to reinstall it on our existing website, without losing the existing content.

Now the big question: Is it possible to reinstall the Betheme just bought and keep the current content (which runs on the version from a few years ago, more precisely version 7.7)? Or save the all the texts, pictures, make a printscreen for each page (to keep the appearance UI after reinstallation) and erase everything (erase WordPress instalation with all the folders from cPanel File manager), and rebuilding site from scratch? And install official Betheme ( and that we buy today. Especially since we also want to install the WooCommerce module, even if the products will not display the price but only the presentation version (catalogue mode).

Our site is currently running on Betheme Version: 7.7 (!!!) I managed to install the latest version of Wordpress: 6.4.4 and the PHP version supported by the old Betheme is PHP 7.0.3, more than that - the site will crash! Today I have two big red flag notifications: WordPress 6.5.2 is available! Please update now! and PHP Update Required (minimium required version is 7.2) but with our old Betheme we will not be possible to update even the Wordpress platform (we already have some modules that cannot be updated with the current PHP version)


  • Hi,

    At the beginning, I would suggest creating a backup of your website.

    You can create a copy of your website on a staging domain and proceed with all updates there to see how the website behaves.

    For that use the Duplicator plugin:

    When you do that, I suggest going to Theme options and resaving them. Then check if the website looks and works correctly, and let me know about the results.

    Best regards

  • Hi

    We decided to reinstall a new site from scratch because it's to complicated to manage 4 major components to run smooth: the PHP version, Wordpress version, the theme and all the plugins. Even more, we have to add WooCommerce module and we look forward to a WooCommerce layout that Betheme provided 58 variants. Your theme is too beautiful and has so many customizations and it's a shame that we don't get the most out of them, especially since the version from 10 years ago has lasted until now! This is proof of stability!

  • If you encounter any problems and have any questions during recreating the website from scratch, please let me know, and I will gladly assist you.

    Best regards

  • Hi! It is posible to have a temporary Betheme license? As I specified above, we decided to install on our principal website the new Betheme license recently purchased. But if we want to migrate the existing instalation on another domain (that we do not use now) and update all the elements (including Betheme version) - could you give us a "temporary" license for 3 mounth, for example? Or it is more appropriately to purchase a new limited license. Somehow, we want to keep the old site, we don't wanna erase definetly and if we have 2 domains, we wanna use the second for this.

  • No, there is nothing like a "temporary license", and we cannot give anything like this.

    What you can do is create a staging domain that will use the license key that you already have, just as I explained in my first message.

    Best regards

  • OK. Considering the below announcement from WordPress, we give up (using the old theme) and will focus on the new website. What is the recommended version of PHP for Betheme, to install it in a clean new website?

    Because WordPress core announced: "Support for PHP 7.0 and 7.1 will be dropped in WordPress 6.6, scheduled for release in July 2024. The new minimum supported version of PHP will be 7.2.24. The recommended version of PHP remains at 7.4 or greater"

  • Like WordPress, we recommend having a version of PHP 7.4 or higher.

    Best regards

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