How to enable Muffin Builder for Custom Post Types?

Hi! Strictly speaking - the question in the title. But the details are:
TheBE - wonderful theme, but there is only ONE custom post type, witch can be filtered by categories - PORTFOLIO.
Meanwhile - there are a lot of tasks where everybody needs the post type with filtering capabilities, for example - team is very often: founders, cowokers, editors and so on. And there are many specific subjects: books, movies, receipts and much, much more. The main word - FILTERING possibilities.
Ok - I can easy create Custom Type for example Founders with plugin Custom Post Types UI - no problem. But there are 2 (two) difficulties:
1) and the main: how to INTEGRATE  Muffin Builder for that post type - it is very
convenient! Newly Founders - without it, but I want it very much... May be it is possible? or may be it is possible to double Portfolio to rename it? First of all - for the compatibility features between posts types...
2) filtering the second question - but it can be solved with paid Envato plugins(for example MDTF), this question is not so important, but the first...


  • Hi,

    Sorry, but we did not test this script/plugin with the theme. Our policy states that we do not support third party plugins or custom code so unfortunately, we cannot be of any help to you.
    Also, we cannot recommend any plugins other than the ones we support. You can find the list on this page, in the sidebar:

    But, it sounds like a great idea to make a possibility or filtering more wide, can you send a suggestion?

  • edited June 2020
    Pablo, thank you for the answer!

    but sounds strange about Custom Post Type UI - about 1 000 000 installations, there are many users recommend it as must have, and... "we do not support third party plugins". Those third party plugin gives many additional features to your theme... working without any problem and "we cannot be of any help to you"
    Twice is strange that above mentioned plugin - that is in fact UI to NATIVE WP custom post function.

    Can you help with a simple question: using NATIVE WP custom post registering hook - I registered Custom Post "Books". How can I add native BE MUFFIN builder inside? I do not believe, that Be has not such function (action hook). And the question this time - not about plugin - about native wp function -> native Be Muffin builder. How to..? Ask, please, developers...
    (Only I have 11 Be licensing + a lot of my friends< I did not ask not needed questions and know about Be almost all...)

    I'm used to create posts with Muffin Builder. Very, very nice and powerful builder.
    Be also uses Custom Types - for example Testimonials or Offer - how to enable Muffin builder on them? also needed very much.

    Will be very much appreciated!
  • Sorry, but we do not know how this plugin works, so we are not able to help you.
    Also, why would you like to use the Muffin Builder on testimonials or offer, it does not have sense, because these elements are usually used with the slider element and adding muffin builder there could make a lot of issues because these features are not ready for the mb.
  • Pablo, may be last again:
    forget about plugin! there is no plugin. I use the NATIVE WP function to register Custom Post Type Books:

    --> register_post_type( "books", $args );
    --> and add_action ('init', 'my_function')

    Can I use that? Can I use native wp functions? It seems to me - nobody can prohibit. I created Custom Post Type "Books" within native WP environment, which works well. But the question is different:
    -- if I install Elementor now - there is a settings IN ELEMENTOR - for which post types I want to use it - ELEMENTOR clear can be enabled on my Books and works very well.
    -- how I can do this for MF?

    Something tells me that you yourself do not know the answer, although it is within the usual support, nothing complicated... You can answer then: MF bulder is a complicated builder which works ONLY with pages, post and portfolio.
    But - that is bad... There is no any flexibility...

    Thank you, but this time - support was ineffective.

  • We do not help with the theme customizations, so we are not able to help you at all, but surely you should take a look at:
    1) Other custom post types (/functions/post-types), there is an initalization of the Muffin Builder with new Mfn_Builder_Admin() method
    2) functions.php file inside the main directory of betheme - to setup and configure the psot type.

    This should help you to make the MB working on the new custom post types.
  • Pablo - ready to embrace you!
    I did ALL according your instructions !

    I did it!!!
    I understood how you created and initialized CLASS entity and did my Custom Post types with those initialization. Everything is placed under child theme - and I have Muffin in my custom post type )
    Great!!! Thank you very much.
    Man needs a little for happiness.

    Very much appreciated )
  • Glad to hear that.
    If you have some other questions, feel free to ask.
  • Hey @dino127 , I'm facing the same issue. Could you share how did you do that? I'm already working on my child theme and I have my Custom Post Types working, I just need to know how to give support to them with the Muffin Builder.


  • I would also like to know the answer to this

  • Is there any more details how we can duplicate the existing portfolio or post category type from betheme change the icon and the name for example to catalogs and have the bebuilder enabled as well as the other post types? Please provide which files we need to modify to have the right result on that.

  • Hi @andreasmu2009,

    No, we do not have any details about that, and we do not provide help with the file modification unfortunately. You would have to contact your web developer instead.

    Best regards

  • Let me make a simpler question, what function i can use to enable the bebuilder in a post custom type? The one you provide me in another discussion not working for me.

    1. // add in child theme functions.php
    3. add_filter('bebuilder_post_types','my_post_types');
    5. function my_post_types($post_types){
    6. $post_types[] = 'my-custom-post-type';
    7. return $post_types;
    8. }

    Or maybe is placed in wrong place?

    I created a new custom post type but with not enabled the bebuilder.

  • Did you place it in the child theme functions.php?

    Did you change my_post_types to the name of your CPT?

    Please note that it adds "Edit with BeBuilder" on the CPT list, not in CPT Edit (but BeBuilder will work anyway).

    I mean here:

    Best regards

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