Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • Query Loop Slider Suggestions:

    1) Can options be added to change the way background images slide? For example, at the very least, a smoother fade scroll transition and a fade out/in option?

    2) It would be great if not everything inside of the loop actually scrolled, like if there were an option to make a headline static while the background and other elements that actually had dynamic data in use scrolled. Currently I'm achieving this by making the background image absolute behind the static elements, but that seems clunky.

    Thank you.

  • edited March 2024


    It would be great to have the option to filter/sort posts or custom posts by category, or specified list of categories in Query Loops the same as in portofolio using same isotope transition, like the examples below:

    Customizing the categories bar as a list, or drop down list would be super useful like in this example:

    Thank you

  • Add hover effect and other possible effects on all Wraps and elements.

  • Can you rework the Tab widget like you did the accordion? Better control of colors, borders, etc. would be great!

  • Forum Search functionality

    Its almost impossible to properly search for already existing discussions, because the search functionality queries for each single word. E.g. if i search for "icon upload fails" it returns me discussions which contain the word "icons", "upload" and "fails" which may be 50+ articles and therefore its useless for me.

  • edited March 2024

    And please add to the Table of Contents, the ability to hide sections that are not needed. Excluding Headings

  • edited March 2024

    FAQ: Please make it so thati the question has an h4 tag - so I can use the table of contents on the FAQ page

  • Images from galleries made by BeBuilder are not visible in Sitemaps (generated by Rank Math SEO). If I am using Elementor - there are visible. Please fix.

  • It would be great to be able to create a custom post type in the BeTheme settings with your own info that would natively work with relevant BeTheme elements such as query loop, templates for archive or single post, editing the custom post type with Bebuilder etc. such as the existing ones (portfolio etc.)

    Even better would be if you also had an option to enable an externally created custom post type with the same functionality to give the users full control.

    Query loop and templates would be so much more useful with these additions!

  • Hi.

    when you click on the top the reviews count ((34 recenzií zákazníkov)), you should be moved to the #reviews but, when is TAB version used, redirection does not works. It works only if you have reviews on the same page as element

  • Add support to add custom header and footer for woocommerce pages like cart and checkout

  • Hello

    Improve the search so that it can work by article (vendor code), as well as by attributes (from woocommerce).


    I use POPUP to show a Quick Contact Form. of course if user visits they may not want to contact right away and instead browse - at the moment I can only have.....

    CLOSE - and show only once. So user never sees it again.

    or show on all page loads - which then means it becomes annoying.

    The other issue is there is no way to set a condition of example to submit the quick contact form and then don't show popup again (as they dont need it)

    Popup plugins can accommodate this sort of thing but I do not want to install one - it would be fab if there was a way to work around this?

    Setting to show again in a few days also is not really good for me. If there was a setting to show again in an hour - that might work better.

    Or another idea for the close button options - perhaps instead of a X - have a two button option

    One saying - NO THANKS and the other saying SUBMIT & CLOSE - the latter meaning the popup does not come back - and the other being able to bring back the form after a few page visits, or a length of time like 60 minutes.

    Hope this makes sense folks. It would make the system significantly improved.

    Thanks for reading.

  • Thank you for your work in supporting Betheme users. Please add tags to Portfolio. This is really an overdue feature that Betheme needs. Blog have them but not Portfolio :(

  • It would be awesome to implement support for scroll-driven animations. Clients often ask me why the animations only show up when scrolling downwards and not also when moving upwards. It's a logical consideration, and it would often be good to be able to use it.

  • It would be a helpful feature to be able to access the WordPress plugin, Advanced Customer Fields and Advanced Custom Fields Pro, from within BeBuilder Elements.

  • It would be very useful to have BeBuilder recognize external custom post types like

    The Events Calendar Events

    Custom Post types created with Advanced Custom Fields

    Thank you

  • It would be a wonderful addition to support editing The Events Calendar Events from within BeBuilder.

    The ability to create templates, like we are able to do with WooCommerce, would be a great enhancement.

    Thank you.

  • edited June 2024

    It would be spectacular if there was a save not publish button, that its function was to save what was done but not publish it in the frontend, that the changes could be seen in the preview, as long as the publish button was not clicked, the changes would not be published , so you can work better and not lose the changes in case of any eventuality.

    I attach an image of where it could go


  • Hello,

    Would you consider adding functionality to allow "List" element icon and background color changes for the hover state?

    Right now it is a fixed set of options:

    Whereas a similar element (Icon) allows for a hover state:


  • Consent Mode V2 integration to cookie popup.

    Could you look into adding a simple solution for basic sites which only really use Google Analytics to comply with the recent rules from Google on their services requiring Consent Mode V2 integration?

    My thoughts would be modifying the JS of the cookie banner to store the appropriate cookies the system needs - plus hold back any of the SEO scripts within the theme admin to fire after the acceptance is given.

    I wouldn't suggest granular control over cookies etc, just something more than a "notice" popup.

  • FAQ structured data

    It would be great if structured data for SEO were added to the FAQ section. Using microdata (or json) is simple to implement in code.

    For example:

    <div itemscope itemtype="">
      <div itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="">
        <h2 itemprop="name">How to find an apprenticeship?</h2>
    	 <div class="answer" style="display: none;">
        <div itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype="">
          <div itemprop="text">
            We provide an official service to search through available apprenticeships. To get started, create an account here, specify the desired region, and your preferences. You will be able to search through all officially registered open apprenticeships.


  • Can we get an option for Linear Mode on a section's Query Loop to get "pause on hover"?

  • Can you please tell me if this feature already exists or does it need to be added by the author.

    In woo-commerce's product page image view, there is an up and down arrow indicating if the image exceeds the number of thumbnails.

    As shown in the picture

  • Hi,

    A suggestion for improvement that I believe would be interesting in the future and it is reasonably easy to implement would be the option of a new field in the portfolio item where we can specify which page this portfolio item belongs to, so the breadcrumbs can adjust automatically.

    I know there is an option to specify which portfolio page, but in my case, I have several portfolio pages, and in each of them, I included a portfolio module choosing a different category. In other words, I can't choose a single page because I have several.

    If there were a field in each individual item where I could determine which page it belongs to, I believe the breadcrumb structure could be determined based on the page hierarchy up to the item itself.



  • I would love NOT to see this editing layout on mobile in the future. It looks horrible and makes our job even harder!

  • I think you could insert tools on the Cart, Checkout and Thank you pages.

    The funnelkit plugin has a very interesting way of making Cart, Checkout and Thank you pages much more complete.

    Form formatting and advanced block customization.

  • The code block should highlight the syntax and should have more customize options like background color etc..

  • The feature to show a (custom) message in an empty portfolio, for example:

    'There are no portfolio items in this category'.

    Now you get a blank page. So this feature is really missing. :-/

  • This is an amazing feature! But it needs to ba date range ... we are running a promotion for 2 weeks and I need to add 14 rules!

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