Edit bedoctor-header-template


I'm trying to modify the BeDoctor theme menu. I can change the main navigation labels, but I can't find a way to edit the services label dropdown submenu. 

Attachment screenshot. 

Thank you so much!



  • Hi again, I have already managed to resolve what I said in the previous post.

    What I am not able to achieve is to change the color of the animation that appears when the cursor is placed over it. 

    It keeps coming out blue no matter what I do. 

    If anyone can help I'd appreciate it.


  • Hi,

    Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.


  • Hi again!!

    Thank you for your response, I put the url of the page below. 



  • Please edit your header template, open menu element settings and in the Style -> Menu, change Items background color for Hover and Active states.

    Best regards

  • edited June 17

    Thanks Phil, I have made the change you indicated but it does not solve the problem. I'll send you a screenshot of how it looks.

    I think the problem is with the animation, I can't find a way to change the color. Neither in the Header, nor in the Mega menu.

    In Mega menu I have found the code line where it appears. But I don't see a way to change it in the template.

  • Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at https://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • Hello again, I don't really understand what you want to tell me Filo.

    I have already sent the FTP access data through the contact form that you indicated.

    Do you need me to send you access to WordPress through that contact email as well?

    What exactly do you mean by - Please attach a link to this forum discussion. - I don't know which link you are requesting, I'm sorry! 

    Thank you!!

  • I received your private message with all the data I needed. Unfortunately, the links do not work.

    I could not log into the WP dashboard because I received the following message:

    Also, FTP access through me this:

    Please check these.

    Best regards

  • Hello, the access data provided is no longer valid! I've been making changes to try to fix the problem (I even tried changing the CSS by installing the child theme).

    I need to get to work on the website and finish it as soon as possible. I need to know if the color of the BeDoctor Theme (blue) can be changed to whatever I prefer or not. If I can't change the color it doesn't work for me.

    In the end he chose to delete everything and do a clean installation from scratch. 

    If the person responsible needs access to FTP and WordPress, they would have to resubmit it.

  • Hello again Phil, the WordPress access data is the same data as the previous access.

    You should now be able to access it. Yes, you are accessing from a non-Spanish speaking country, it may not allow you access and you may have to enable it.



  • I tried to access it again, but now I received this:

    Also, the link you sent does not seem to be correct, and I assume that you copied it after logging out of your account.

    Are you sure that you do not have WP login address modified?

    Best regards

  • I have checked the access data and they are correct. 

    If you are trying to access from a non-Spanish speaking country, perhaps the server security is denying you access.

    I would have to enable the country or countries that you indicate so that you can access.

    If you want, you can tell me a list of 10 different countries to preserve your privacy. I will temporarily enable all of them.


  • Sorry, I forgot to provide the location earlier.

    We are located in Poland.

    Best regards

  • Access is now enabled for Poland.

  • Please check it now.

    I have changed the color here:

    Best regards

  • Brilliant!! Solved, 

    Thank you very much for your help Phil.

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