Unable to Edit Homepage with WPBakery Page Builder After Betheme Update

Dear Betheme Support,

We are contacting you today because we are experiencing an issue with editing our homepage using WPBakery Page Builder after updating the Betheme theme.

We originally built our homepage using WPBakery Page Builder, and everything functioned perfectly. However, after recently updating the Betheme theme, we are no longer able to access the page builder functionality on the homepage.

We have tried the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Clearing the browser cache and refreshing the page.
  • Deactivating and reactivating WPBakery Page Builder.

Unfortunately, none of these steps have resolved the issue.

For your reference, here is the link to our homepage: afrocaribfestival.com

We would greatly appreciate it if you could assist us in resolving this issue as soon as possible. Our homepage is a vital part of our website, and being unable to edit it significantly hinders our ability to maintain our content.

Please let us know if you require any additional information or have any suggestions for resolving this problem.

we cannot even see our all section here that we created with wpbakery page builder:

Thank you for your time and assistance.


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